
Páginas: 3 (615 palabras) Publicado: 21 de julio de 2012
Ejercicios inglés 3 (joel)
1. completa estos verbos con present simple and present countinuous.
1) Andy sometimes comics. (to read) |
2) We never TV in the morning. (to watch) |
3) Listen!Sandy in the bathroom. (to sing) |
4) My sister usually in the kitchen. (to help) |
5) My mother breakfast now. (to make) |
6) They often the bathroom. (to clean) |
7) Look! The boys home. (tocome) |
8) Every day his grandfather for a walk. (to go) |
9) I with my friend at the moment. (to chat) |
10) Cats mice. (to eat) |
1) They often the bathroom. (to clean) |
2) Cats mice. (toeat) |
3) Every day his grandfather for a walk. (to go) |
4) We never TV in the morning. (to watch) |
5) Listen! Sandy in the bathroom. (to sing) |
6) Look! The boys home. (to come) |
7) Andysometimes comics. (to read) |
8) I with my friend at the moment. (to chat) |
9) My mother breakfast now. (to make) |
10) My sister usually in the kitchen. (to help) |

1) Look! The boyshome. (to come) |
2) I with my friend at the moment. (to chat) |
3) They often the bathroom. (to clean) |
4) We never TV in the morning. (to watch) |
5) My mother breakfast now. (to make) |
6)Cats mice. (to eat) |
7) Every day his grandfather for a walk. (to go) |
8) Andy sometimes comics. (to read) |
9) My sister usually in the kitchen. (to help) |
10) Listen! Sandy in thebathroom. (to sing) |

1) I with my friend at the moment. (to chat) |
2) Look! The boys home. (to come) |
3) Every day his grandfather for a walk. (to go) |
4) My mother breakfast now. (to make) |5) We never TV in the morning. (to watch) |
6) They often the bathroom. (to clean) |
7) My sister usually in the kitchen. (to help) |
8) Cats mice. (to eat) |
9) Listen! Sandy in the bathroom.(to sing) |
10) Andy sometimes comics. (to read) |

1) Andy sometimes reads comics. |
2) We never watch TV in the morning. |
3) Listen! Sandy is singing in the bathroom. |
4) My...
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