
Páginas: 2 (335 palabras) Publicado: 7 de agosto de 2012
Camila: Hello everyone
Javiera: We are here and we will present our proyect
Frany: The name of our proyect is called: You VS Me
Jopi: The proyect consist in two persons ofdifferents worlds
Camila:Yes, them are so, so different
Javiera:Well…the contest consist in three parts
Frany: The first part is called in “Catch the pig”
Jopi:’’Catch the pig’’consist in 3 parts
Camila:In the first part the participants need to across the labyrinth searching the pig
Javiera:When the participants across the labyrinth ,they need to across theswimming pool of mud
Frany: yes ! and they need to stay there…. and in the swimming pool of mud they need to find the pig
Jopi: and if they find the pig,they win the first test !Camila: Our second test consist In a trivia of 3 cultural questions
Javiera:If you answer the 3 questions for the correct form you win the test!
Frany: But in the test we have alittle trap !
Jopi: Yes…we have a little tram,we ask you something and you need to answer under the water ,because its more difficult and if the public understand you …you win a point:3
Camila:And now the final test !!!!That is more difficult ,its terrorific!
Javiera:Yes,its so difficult and terrorific ! And its called ‘’A random test’’
Frany:This test consistin scape from the ponys ,while you jump the fire rope
Jopi:then you run around the happy potatos singing and cross the jungle with a bottle
Camila:its very exiting and interesting!And then you swim in the misterius water ,uyui!
Javiera: No one know who is in this water ! You need to be carefull and if you past all this you win that test!
Frany: And if youwin 2 of the three test or the trhee test you win the awesome award!
Jopi:Exactly,an awesome award ! that is not money
Camila :You win a travel to the Bermuda triangle!!!!!!!!!!!
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