How The Use Of Propaganda In Developing Countries Influence Economic And Social Development

Páginas: 3 (679 palabras) Publicado: 20 de mayo de 2012
How the use of propaganda in developing countries influence economic and social development?

Communications are organized as the efforts to use communications processes and media to bringsocial and economic progress, usually in developing countries. Also mass media could bring education, skills, social unity, and the modernism. However every society progress through specific phases ofdevelopment on their way to modernity. But modernization was supposed to be a western initiative, and to be a necessary condition to meeting human needs. Western media created a modern culture, a centralidea of moving from traditional to the modern ways, and the called: the age of high mass consumption.
On the other hand development could have been seen as an effective process whereby mass mediabring about widespread transformation in which their producers make the audience receive their massages through television and radio penetration. But there are others aspects that we can be seen aseffective and one is the fact that media is used as complement of educational process, an effort to supplement the labor of teachers in classrooms, it’s successful as an educational tool in developingcountries also in rural places. Moreover the accomplishment of satellites television to offer useful and genuine information to all population.

Chomsky says that the propaganda model of the US massmedia led to a free market model, in which thought and attention is controlled by market forces operating in a disparate society. Also media institutions are profit-seeking corporations that are closedlinked and they have significant and specific common interests along with other important corporations and the government and they also dependent on publicity and promotion profits from other bigbusiness over the mass media.
Advertising is the way modern markets use to sell a product. We actually live in a media-driving society in which advertising is used in the same way with a political...
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