
Páginas: 8 (1875 palabras) Publicado: 2 de diciembre de 2012
Washington State and Colorado made history tonight by becoming the first states in the United States - to approve the legal regulation of marijuana.
These victories likely represent the beginning of the end of marijuana prohibition in this country and many others as well. Just as the repeal of alcohol Prohibition began in the late 1920s with individual states repealing their own prohibitionlaws, and ultimately culminated with repeal of federal Prohibition, so Washington and Colorado have initiated a political process that will resonate nationally.
The transformation in public opinion over the past six years, not just in these two states but nationwide, has been nothing short of remarkable. As recently as 2006,Gallup's polling found 36% of Americans in favor of legalizing marijuana useand 60% opposed. By late 2011, that 36% in favor had jumped to 50% and the opposition has fallen to 46%. What Washington and Colorado did tonight, other states are sure to replicate in years to come. Not all will succeed, as Oregon apparently did not tonight, but the dominoes of marijuana prohibition are poised to topple.
It would be a mistake to describe these victories as "pro-pot." Millions ofAmericans who have no particular affinity for marijuana have decided that it makes no sense to keep spending billions of dollars trying to enforce an unenforceable prohibition when state and local governments could be taking in comparable amounts by taxing and regulating marijuana. They know that legalizing marijuana will deprive criminal organizations in Mexico and this country of profits andpower, and enable police and prosecutors to focus resources on serious crimes. They are convinced that arresting 750,000 people each year for possessing a small amount of marijuana is costly, cruel and unjust. And they rightfully believe that young people will fare better with responsible regulations rather than ineffective prohibitions.
To put this in global perspective, even as the federalgovernment persists with its failed drug war strategy, the United States has now emerged as the global leader in promoting more sensible policies with respect to marijuana.
Posible impacto de la legalización de la marihuana en Estados Unidos
La posible legalización de la marihuana a nivel estatal en Estados Unidos podría provocar una disminución considerable de los ingresos por narcotráfico en lasorganizaciones criminales mexicanas. Estados Unidos es actualmente un importador neto de marihuana. Pero, de crearse condiciones de legalidad en uno o varios estados, podría, satisfacer la mayor parte de su demanda interna con producción nacional. De materializarse ese escenario, se estaría ante el mayor choque estructural sufrido por el narcotráfico en México desde el arribo masivo de la cocaína afinales de los años ochenta. Existe amplia incertidumbre sobre el efecto que una perdida sustancial de ingreso pudiera tener sobre el comportamiento de las organizaciones criminales mexicanas y, por lo tanto, sobre el entorno de seguridad en México. Sin embargo, las consecuencias podrían ser significativas. Con este estudio, el IMCO busca que este tema se incorpore a la planeación estratégica y ladefinición de la política de seguridad de la nueva administración federal.

Dos estados de EU legalizan la marihuana con fines recreativos
Los votantes en Colorado y Washington votaron a favor de esta iniciativa; en Massachusetts lo aprobaron para uso médico

Los estados de Colorado, Massachusetts y Washington permitirán la posesión e incluso la producción y comercialización de la planta(AFP).

(CNNMéxico) — Mientras que en Estados Unidos el presidente Barack Obama obtuvo la reelección presidencial, en tres estados los votantes también aprobaron enmiendas legales para legalizar la marihuana con fines recreativos: Colorado y Washington. En tanto, Massachusetts lo aprobó con fines médicos.
La Constitución de Colorado será modificada para permitir la posesión recreativa, así como...
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