
Páginas: 6 (1388 palabras) Publicado: 23 de noviembre de 2012
Class Configuration Sheet for
vSphere 5.0 Install, Configure, Manage
Here, Starting Now
For student1a
LAB 1: Install VMware vSphere Graphical User Interfaces
Location of installation software
Setup language
Your ESXi host name
ESXi host user name
ESXi host root password

Lab Fi l es \ vSpher e 5. 0 i ns t al l er
Engl i s h
ESXi 01. v c l a s s . l o c al
r oot
v mwa r e 1 !

LAB2: Configuring VMware ESXi
Your ESXi host name
ESXi host user name
ESXi host root password
Domain name
NTP server
Preferred DNS server
VMkernel default gateway

es xi 01. vcl as s . l ocal
r oot
v mwa r e 1 !
vcl ass . l ocal
172. 20. 10. 10
172. 20. 10. 10
172. 20. 10. 10

LAB 3: Working with Virtual Machines
Your ESXi host name
ESXi host user name
ESXi host root passwordLocation of ISO images
Virtual machine datastore
Guest operating system version
Virtual machine Administrator password

es xi 01. vcl as s . l ocal
r oot
v mwa r e 1 !
I SO f i l es
dat as t or e1
Mi c r o s o f t Wi n d o w s S e r v e r 2 0 0 3 ( 3 2 - b i t )
v mwa r e ( o mi t - 1 ! )

LAB 4: Configure VMware vCenter Server Appliance
Team vCenter Server appliance host name
vCenterServer appliance user name
vCenter Server appliance password
Directory Services domain name
Domain Administrator user name
Domain Administrator password
vCenter Server appliance Management URL
vCenter Server appliance Registration URL
v C e n t e r We b C l i e n t U R L
LAB 5: Using VMware vCenter Server
Team vCenter Server appliance host name
vCenter Server appliance username
vCenterServer appliance password
Your ESXi host name
E S X i u s e r n a me
ESXi host root password
Enterprise Plus license key
vCenter Server license key

Page 1 of 3

v CVA. v c l
v mwa r e 1 !
vcl ass . l
A d mi n i s t
v mwa r e 1 !
ht t ps : / /
ht t ps : / /
ht t ps : / /
vs pher e-

ass . l ocal
r at or
v CVA. v c l a s s . l o c a l : 5480
v CVA. v c l a s s . lo c a l : 443
v CVA. v c l a s s . l o c a l : 9443/
cl i ent

v CVA. v c l a s s . l o c a l
v mwa r e 1 !
es xi 01. vcl as s . l ocal
r oot
v mwa r e 1 !

For student1a

LAB 6: Standard Virtual Switches
vCenter Server appliance username
vCenter Server appliance password
vmnics to use for the ProdVMs virtualswitch
Virtual machine Administrator password

v mwa r e 1 !
v mn i c 1 , v mn i c 3
v mwa r e

LAB 7: Accessing IP Storage
vCenter Server appliance username
vCenter Server appliance password
VMkernel port IP address / subnet mask
VMkernel default gateway
Name of iSCSI target
Your ESXi host iSCSI IQN name
NFS server host name

v mwa r e 1 !
172. 20. 10. 61/ 255. 255. 255. 0
172. 20. 10. 10
i scsi . vcl as s. l ocal
i q n . 1 9 9 8 - 0 1 . c o m. v mwa r e : e s x i 0 1
nf s . vc l as s . l ocal
/ l un1

LAB 8: Network Design
No information is needed to complete this lab.
LAB 9: Managing VMware vStorage VMFS Datastores
vCenter Server appliance user name
vCenter Server appliance password
Shared storage type used in this lab environmentYour local datastore
First assigned LUN ID
Second assigned LUN ID

v mwa r e 1 !
dat as t or e1
t g t 0 ; L UN 0
t g t 1 ; L UN 0

LAB 10: Using Templates and Clones
Team vCenter Server appliance host name
vCenter Server appliance user name
vCenter Server appliance password
Guest operating system version
Location of Windows Sysprep files
Sysprep files target folderShared datastore for your virtual machines
Windows product ID
Virtual machine Administrator password
Time Zone

v CVA. v c l a s s . l o c a l
v mwa r e 1 !
Mi c r o s o f t Wi n d o w s S e r v e r
Lab Fi l es \ Sys pr ep- f i l es / e t c / v mwa r e - v p x / s y s p r e p /
V MF S - 0 0
H Q K F 9 - V R B W8 - 4 K MY P - F K WY R v mwa r e
( G MT - 0 8 0 0 )

LAB 11: Modifying...
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