Ingles en los negocios

Páginas: 11 (2581 palabras) Publicado: 4 de abril de 2011
“English For Business Comunication”

* Unit 1: Building a Relationship
Suggest some basic research= Sugiere algunas investigaciones básicas que deberías hacer antes de recibir un visitante o antes de viajar.
* Manners at the table
* Forms of greeting
* Dress
* Language
* Punctuality
* Behavior
* ReligionPractice: Make a dialogue page 4
Visitor: Hello My name´s Kelly Stuart from England, I´ve an appointment to see Sandra Bates, Sorry I´m a little early.
Receptionist: Welcome to Puebla, México, Sandra Bates will attend immediately. Would you like a drink?
Visitor: No thanks, Can I use your phone please?
Receptionist: Sure, is there at the computer.
Visitor: Thanks Miss
Receptionist: Do you needanything? A hotel, a taxi I do not know.
Visitor: How far is the station?
Receptionist: five minutes by taxi, Sorry, Sandra Bates is free now. Let me take her to the office of Sandra Bates.

* Unit 2: Culture and Entertainment
Provide a suitable sentence in the spaces in the following dialogue.
Peter: Have you been to Edinburgh before?
Janis: No it’s my first visit.
Peter: a)You are sure?
Janis: I´m sure I will
Peter: And… er, is the hotel all right?
Janis: Yes, it’s very comfortable.
Peter: b) I’m glad so, do you have much time here in Scotland? Are you staying long?
Janis: No, I have to go back tomorrow afternoon.
Peter: c) So soon? You´ll have to come back again!
Janis: d) That´s a fact.
Peter: So what time´s your flight tomorrow?
Janis: Earlyevening, 18:35.
Peter: Well, I can book you a taxi if you like, to get you there in good time
Janis: e) Really, no problem?
Peter: No problem at all. Was it a good flight today?
Janis: No, it wasn´t actually.
Peter: f) Do not tell me, g) What happened?
Janis: It was raining – quite hard. There was a lot of turbulence.
Peter: h) After all went well

* Unit 3: Could I leave amessage?

Identify the following:

a) The problem with “Universal” management solutions: The diverse cultures
b) An example of the failure of pay-for-performance: Thought unspoken
c) An example of the failure of management by objectives schemes: The managers have not wanted to conform to the abstract nature of preconceived policy guidelines.
d) The problem withhuman-resource management: Which, It borrows from economics the idea that human beings are resources like physical and monetary resources.
e) Three cultures affecting international managers: Their culture of origin, the culture in the which they are working and the culture of the organisation.
f) Six areas in which different cultural interpretations apply: Authority, bureaucracy, creativity, goodfellowship, verification and accountability.


Good Eye contact = Un buen contacto visual
Is regarded as being slightly suspicious, or a shifty character = es considerado como algo sospechoso, o un carácter esquivo
Unconsciously= Inconscientemente
Unfriendly= Hostil (opuesto)
Untrustworthy= Indigno de confianza
However= Sin embargo
Taught= Enseñado
Their gaze= su miradatheir gaze at the region of their teacher´s Adam´s apple or tie knot. and, as adults, japanese lower their eyes when speaking to a superior = su mirada en la región de la nuez de su profesor o nudo de la corbata. y, como adultos, japonés bajar los ojos al hablar con un superior
As well as some= Así como algunos
Such as= Tal como
Lower= Inferior
Disrespectful= Irrespetuoso
Rude tostare= Grosero mirar
Regardless= Sin tener en cuenta
to blink his eyes to let the speaker know= a parpadear sus ojos para que el hablante sabe
Understood= Entendido
Americans signal interest and comprehension by bobbing their heads or grunting...= Los estadounidenses señalan interés y comprensión por parte sacudiendo sus cabezas o gruñendo.
A widening= Una ampliación
Take, for instance =...
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