Ingles Intermedio2 Unidades Primera Prueba

Páginas: 4 (783 palabras) Publicado: 9 de octubre de 2012
Time contrasts
Past | Present | Future |
A few years ago, not many people lived here.//Hace unos años, no muchos    personas vivieron aquí. | These days, the population is growing so fast.// Enestos días, la población está creciendo tan rápido. | Soon, there will be a lot of shopping malls.//Pronto, habrá una gran cantidad de centros comerciales. |
People used to shop at grocerystores.//La gente solía comprar en    tiendas de abarrotes. | Today, people shop at supermarkets.//Hoy en día, la gente compra en los supermercados. | In twenty years, people might buy groceries bycomputer.//En veinte años, la gente podría comprar alimentos por ordenador. |
Fifty years ago, people walked everywhere.//Hace cincuenta años, la gente caminaba por todas partes. | Nowadays, people drive theircars instead.//Hoy en día, la gente conduce sus coches en su lugar. | In the future, people are going to use cars even more.//En el futuro, la gente va a utilizar vehículos aún más. |

Past: Timecontrast subject past verb or use to + ver. | Present: Time contrasts subject verb or “to be”+ verb+ing. | Future: Time contrast subject will+verb or “To be”+ going to+verb |
Last week, my brotherplayed soccer.Last week, my brother used to play soccer. | Now, he is playing golf.Now, he plays golf. | Tomorrow, he will play tennis.Tomorrow, he is going to play tennis. |
Yesterday, I was sickstomach. | Today, I am better eating regular. | Tomorrow, I am going to eat completes. |
50 year ago, people used to listen radio. | Actuality, people watch TV. | 10 year in the future, they are goingto watch holograms. |
Before, people used to read newspaper. | | |

Gerunds; short responses
Affirmatives statements with gerunds//declaraciones afirmativas con gerundios | AgreeDe acuerdo |DisagreeDesacuerdo | Other verbs or phrases followed by gerundsloveenjoybe interested in |
I like traveling.//Me gusta viajar. | So do I.A mi tambien | Oh, I don´t.Oh, A mi no | |
I hate working...
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