Ingles Para El Exito-English For Success

Páginas: 4 (972 palabras) Publicado: 30 de julio de 2011
From the beginning: children
From the beginning: children

Globalization, the Internet, television and the possibility that our children in a future of greater and opportunities that we are allfactors that are influencing that as parents we are more interested in giving them the ability to speak another language, especially English.
Educational training now given to children must go beyondthe learning of core academic subjects taught in school is necessary for children as well as their native language, expand their knowledge and learning another language better than that spoken in mostof the world.
The fact that the child speaks English besides their mother tongue, confusion will not, as many parents believe, to the contrary, will more easily absorb all the knowledge and learnto master it more easily.
It is said that the best time for your child to study English is between the stage of infancy and age six, when children are highly sensitive to languages ​​and can studyfaster, the earlier study, the better your domain But never too late to start. If your child is older, no matter give them the opportunity to learn English and support him.

What are the advantagesfor the young turn to English?

What are the advantages for the young turn to English?

- One of the advantages of English over other languages, we always know a little vocabulary and that evenwithout realizing it, we use the language on a daily basis and we see it everywhere: billboards, commercials, and radio TV, magazines, almost all in the computer, Internet, etc..
- Learning that otherlanguage means that young people are aware that the world is not all alike, that there is an appreciation for differences and an understanding of different points of view other than their own.
-Young people become more creative and develop better problem solving skills.
-It helps them develop the confidence to deal successfully with social relationships: it helps them be more communicative....
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