
Páginas: 4 (896 palabras) Publicado: 18 de abril de 2013
Types of Sleep
1. Dream slow or passive: rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.
2. Paradoxical sleep: rapid eye movement (REM).
Characteristic phases
(I) Slow Dream -Drowsiness - alpha waves dashed Encephalogram starting with theta rhythms (2-7-c / s), b waves sporadically.
(II) slow sleep - light sleep - most abundant theta waves, some slower rhythms delta waves(0.5-2 c / s). - It shows progressive decrease in muscle tone
(III) slow wave sleep - Sleep half - Considerable increase of delta waves which occupies between 20% and 50% of the EEG - muscular activitycontinues to decrease
(IV) slow sleep - deep sleep - Prevalence of delta waves (+ 50%). - Still less muscle activity
REM sleep - rapid change in the EEG. Signs of Sleep Phase I - Appearselectroencephalographic desynchronization - Paradoxically while this event occurs cortical activity occurs a profound loss of muscle tone
Slow wave sleep:
During sleep observed slow wave EEG synchronization,changes related to the prevalence and functional control of the parasympathetic autonomic SN: operation carries an energy storage (reduced heart rate, BP, basal body temperature, the lacrimalsecretion and miosis). The dreams are conceptual, rational
Paradoxical sleep:
Prevalence sympathetic autonomic system, carries energy (Increase TA, heart rate, cerebral blood flow, oxygen consumption).
EEG desynchronization
Frequent erections in men
Occurrence of bruxism (teeth rub)
Loss of muscle tone (some muscle contractions of face and extremities)
Subjective perception oftime, quite close to the actual course thereof.
If it is awakened during this stage, you can tell the content of dreams (daydreams with argument and predominantly perceptual and emotional connection,more intense as you go sleep).
Programming processes and cognitive restructuring.
The dreams occur mainly in the paradoxical sleep phase, but also at other stages.
Those located in sleep onset,...
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