
Páginas: 6 (1456 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2012
Unidad 9
P 59 eje 3A
Before the automobile …d people didn’t travel as much from city
Before there were supermarkets … a peole used to shop at small stores
About five hundred years ago… h doctors might find a cure for the common cold
In most offices today…F people work more that 40 hours a week
In many cities nowadays… B pollution is becoming a serious problem
Soon… C must peopleare going to work to work at home.
In the next hundred years.. e there will probably be cities in space.
Sometime in the future… g people played the first game of golf
Uni 10
3a Match the phrases in columns A and B to make statements about your self. Then take turns reading you sentences and giving short responses.

1.-I don´t like… e
2.-I´m not very good at….g
3.-I´m good at….b4.-I hate….c
5.-I can´t stand….d
6.-I´m interested in….h
7.-I don´t mind….a
8-I enjoy……f

A. - Talking on a cell phone
B. - Working with a group or team
C.-Solving other people´s problems
D. - Sitting in long meetings
E. - Commuting by bicycle
F.-Eating lunch out every day
G.-Managing my time
H.-Learning foreign languages

Complete the sentences in column A withappropriate information from column B. then compare with a partner.

1. - I wouldn´t want to be a nurse…a
2.-i´d like to be a novelist…e
3.-I could never be an accountant…d
5.-I could be a flight attendant…b
a.-because I don´t like hospital
b.-because I really enjoy traveling
c.-because I have a terrible memory
d. - because I’m terrible with numbers
e.-because I love creative writing
Uni 11
3a Do you know who created these popular works? Match the phrases in column A with appropriate information fro column B . Then compare with a partner.
1. - the kiss
2. - the song “yesterday”
3. - the film, scheduler’s list
4. - the novel pride and prejudice
5.-rhe opera Carmen

a.-was composed by George Bizet
b. - was painted by gustav Klimt
c.-was written by Jane Austen
d.-wasdirected by Steven Spielberg
e.-was recorded by the Beatles
Complete this passage using the simple present passive form

pag 75
Eje 9a
Many crops is groved (grow) in Taiwan. Some crops consume) locally, but others are exported (export). Tea growed (grow) in cooler parts of the island and rice is cultivate (cultivate) in warmer parts. Finishing is also and important industry. A wide variety ofseafood is caught (catch).
Many people are emplayed (employ) in the electronics and textile industries.
Unidad 12
P 79
1.- my brother was snowboarding when he broke his leg in several places.
2.-several years ago, I was having problems with math, so I found a tutor to help me.
3.- the couple had heir first child when they were living in a tinty apartment.
4.- while I was driving in Ireland afew years ago, I realized I was on the wrongside of the road!
5.-ulrike was redaing a good book, but someone told her the ending.
6.- while my mother was cooking dinner last night, the phone rang three times then a sttoped.
7.-trancy and eric meet when they were working at the same restaurant in Vancouver
P 81
Complete the conversations with the present perfect continuos. Then practice witha partner.

1.- What have you did lately?
Well, I have spending my free time at the beach.
2.-do you working part time this year?
Yes I have I maked drinks at coffe time for the past few months.
3.- how have you felt recently?
Great! I got a lot of sleep. And I have eating as much since I started my diet.
4.-how you getting enough exercise lately?
No, I hacen´t I have atuding a lot forabig exam.

* Complete the conversations with the present perfect continuos. Then practice with a partner.
1.- What have you did lately?
Well, I have spending my free time at the beach.
2.-do you working part time this year?
Yes I have I maked drinks at coffe time for the past few months.
3.- how have you felt recently?
Great! I got a lot of sleep. And I have eating as much...
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