
Páginas: 2 (337 palabras) Publicado: 11 de marzo de 2013
How is it the education in chile in comparison with the rest of the countries of america Latin and the world?

Chile like many countries participate in evaluations at the global level , Whichthey will be measured periodically to assess students' learning.
Among the international evidence undergo the chilean students, there is the LLECE (Latin American laboratory of the quality of education). Which seeks to generate knowledge about the variables that affect the quality of education in the latin american countries, the form of evaluative studies , experimental and cases . PISA(International program for the evaluation of students) Measures the ability of students to apply and relate as much knowledge as skills in reading, mathematics and science, not limited to curriculum.
And theTIMSS (International survey of trends in mathematics and science) That is done through periodic measurements in which is intended to assess students' learning in relation to the contents in thecorriculo in most countries and compare them with the rest of the participating countries.
Chile occupies one of the lowest in the position in the evidence.
TIMSS and PISA , However, in comparison withsome countries in latin america its scores are best ( not good ) But they are above peru ,paraguay , venezuela environment ministry and honduras ; equal is little ¿ not believe ? Dear colleagues, theywould not like that chile obtubiera scores well in these evaluations and their qualifications fueran prominent .We are all responsible for the results in both learners and teachers . a mi friend andmy this topic makes us reflect and think about that i should strive for when me desmpeñe in the world of work. in addition, the evaluations at the world level , the chilean students are subject tonational tests such as the SIMCE (System for measuring the quality of education ) that has as its main purpose improve the quality of education, evaluating if students have achieved the fundamental...
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