Inglés: climatic predictions

Páginas: 2 (452 palabras) Publicado: 8 de diciembre de 2010

The National Program of Climatic Predictions reports:
For the year 2011 we will see the first three months of climatic tranquility in South América.
In the Asiancontinent; they will lower the temperatures, abundant rains for day and night, heavy clouds and hail storms. While across the world will be observed. This one anomaly of climatic bipolarity about the planet isalone a consequence of the pollution in all his senses and the greenhouse effect that will continue exercising a significant influence and causing devastations and disasters in many measures.
InNorth América; Where before it was raining, it will not rain for a period of time not known till now. The rivers, seas and lakes will lower his level of water; and the energy will meet affectedenormously. Canada is one of the countries to which we mark major alert in this publication.
Oceania; in this continent we put officially a RED ALERT in the next five days, especially for countries closer tothe coast. Was observed a climatic alteration that should demonstrate as hurricane or maremoto (it can be produced by some submarine earthquake) of great magnitude, one recommends to the authoritiesto take action soon.

While in South America there will be small increases of temperatures, but quiet. Nothing catastrophic, no climatic anomalyapproaching.

Planet Earth is currently suffering many consequences of hand and recklessness of the man with her. We have done that our planet deteriorates, be damaged little bylittle. Natural disasters and drastic changes of the climate are the shout that gives the nature claiming his.
To help in the conservation of the planet I would teach in the schools from the firstyears, the importance of the nature and our planet, his care, our contribution to her.
I would Improve the recycling worldwide, that from every home all the families were contributing to have a...
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