
Páginas: 6 (1482 palabras) Publicado: 29 de agosto de 2012
Días de la semana
Español | Inglés | Pronunciación |
domingo | sunday | sondei |
lunes | monday | mondei |
martes | tuesday | tiusdei |
miércoles | wednesday | uednesdei |
jueves | thursday | zersdei |
viernes | friday | fraidei |
sábado | saturday | satordei |
Español | Inglés | Pronunciación |
enero | January | Yenuari |
febrero | February | February |
marzo |March | March |
abril | April | Eipril |
mayo | May | Mei |
junio | June | Yun |
julio | July | Yulai |
agosto | August | Ogost |
septiembre | September | September |
octubre | October | October |
noviembre | November | November |
diciembre | December | Dicember |

Números Cardinales
Número Cardinal | Escritura | Pronunciación |
1 | One | uán |
2 | Two | tú |
3 | Three |zrii |
4 | Four | fóar |
5 | Five | faiv |
6 | Six | six |
7 | Seven | sevn |
8 | Eight | éit |
9 | Nine | náin |
10 | Ten | ten |
11 | Eleven | ilevn |
12 | Twelve | tuelv |
13 | Thirteen | zrtín |
14 | Fourteen | fortín |
15 | Fifteen | fiftiin |
16 | Sixteen | sixtiin |
17 | Seventeen | sevntiin |
18 | Eighteen | eitiin |
19 | Nineteen | naintiin |
20 | Twenty |tuenti |
30 | Thirty | zerti |
40 | Fourty | forti |
50 | Fifty | fifti |
60 | Sixty | sixti |
70 | Seventy | sevnti |
80 | Eighty | eiti |
90 | Ninety | nainti |
100 | One hundred | uan jándred |
200 | Two hundred | tú jándred |
1000 | One thousand | uan zausnd |
2000 | Two thousand | tú zausnd |
1000000 | One million | uan mílion |

Números Ordinales
NúmerosOrdinales | Escritura | Pronunciación |
1st | first | ferst | |
2nd | second | second | |
3rd | third | zerd | |
4th | fourth | forz | |
5th | fifth | fifz | |
6th | sixth | sixz | |
7th | seventh | sévnz | |
8th | eighth | éitz | |
9th | ninth | nainz | |
10th | tenth | tenz | |
11th | eleventh | ilévenz | |
12th | twelfth | tuelz | |
13th | thirteenth | tortiinz ||
14th | fourteenth | fortiinz | |
15th | fifteenth | fiftiinz | |
16th | sixteenth | sixtiinz | |
17th | seventeenth | senventiinz |
18th | eighteenth | eitiinz | |
19th | nineteenth | nintiinz | |
20th | twentieth | tuentiz | |
21st | twenty-first | tuenti-fersz |
22nd | twenty-second | tuenti-second |
30th | thirtieth | zertiz | |
40th | fortieth | fortiz | |50th | fiftieth | fiftiz | |
60th | sixtieth | sixtiz | |
70th | seventieth | sevntiz | |
80th | eightieth | eitiz | |
90th | ninetieth | naintiz | |
100th | hundredth | jándredz | |
101st | hundred and first | jándred and fersz |
200th | two hundredth | tú jándredz |
1.000th | thousandth | uan zausndz |
10.000th | ten thousandth | ten zausndz |
100.000th | one hundredthousandth | uan jándred zausndz |
1.000.000th | one millionth | uán mílionz |

Animales más conocidos
Español | INGLÉS | Se lee |
Araña | Spider | / spáida* / |
Ballena | Whale | / uéil / |
Caballo | Horse | / hors / |
Cerdo | Pig | / pig / |
Ciervo | Deer | / díer / |
Conejo | Rabbit | / rábit / |
Delfín | Dolphin | / dólfin / |
Elefante | Elephant | / élefant / |
Foca | Seal| / si:ol / |
Gallina | Hen | / hen / |
Gallo | Cock | / coc / |
Gato | Cat | / cat / |
Gorila | Gorilla | / gorila / |
Hámster | Hamster | / hámsta* / |
Hormiga | Ant | / ant / |

Español | INGLÉS | Se lee |
Jirafa | Giraffe | / giráf / |
León | Lion | / láion / |
Lobo | Wolf | / uof / |
Loro | Parrot | / párot / |
Mariposa | Butterfly | / báterflai / |
Mono | Monkey |/ mánki / |
Mosca | Fly | / flái / |
Murciélago | Bat | / bat / |
Oso | Bear | / bee* / |
Pájaro | Bird | / berd / |
Pato | Duck | / dak / |
Perro | Dog | / dog / |
Pez | Fish | / fish / |
Ratón | Mouse | / máuz / |
Zorro | Fox | / fox / |

accountant (akáuntant) - contador
actor (áktor) - actor
actress (áctres) - actriz
announcer (anáunser) - locutor...
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