
Páginas: 5 (1128 palabras) Publicado: 16 de mayo de 2012
Global - Internet of Things - A Business Game Changer
Luis Carlos, Abigail, Andreina
Global- Internet of Things- A bussines Game Changer
Proyecto Final

Executive Summary
IoT to transform economy and society
The Internet of Things (IoT) is going to be a real game-changer. It will transform every single sector of society and the economy; and it will be out of this environment that newbusinesses – and indeed new industries – will be born. The infrastructure that is now being built offers a range of features such as ubiquitousness, affordability, low latency, high speed and high capacity. It will link – apart from individual people – millions of devices, such as sensors, that will enable us to manage our environment, infrastructure, and our society as a whole much moreefficiently. The Internet of Things requires a co-ordinated approach which will encompass many different industries. Initially a trans-sector approach by utilities, telecoms, ICT and government is required to progress this concept further and other industries will continue to come onboard as it develops further.Telemetry applications are expected to boom and are integral to the emerging IoT environment. Intelligent digital devices, which chatter away almost incessantly, machine-to-machine; are exchanging all kinds of information automatically and transparently to the people around them. This will mean that the global telecommunicationsnetwork will soon resemble a worldwide computer network, rather than the voice-only mechanism for person-to-person communication it represented to its founders. RFID is an important telemetry tool for the IoT environment and it is already in widespread use around the world.Increasingly, there is the understanding that the real value of the emerging super networks being developed is the formation of an IoT environment. There is also a slow realisation that the electricity grids are going to play an important role. BuddeComm estimates that 40-50% of the IoT will be related to the grid.  Ever since we became involved in the electricity utilities industry in2001, we have been promoting telecommunications as the key to the next stage in the development of the electricity grid. However it was not until 2006 that we began to use the term ‘smart grid’. But even then telecommunications was not widely accepted as the key technology for the next development of the electricity network. Now, ten years later - but still very slowly, the notion of a smart griddriven by next generation telecoms (NGT) is beginning to become more accepted. There are a number of applications already emerging as a result of more powerful networks, such as cloud computing; complex event planning; behavioural attitudinalgeolocation and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI). The rapid increase of IPv6 is also important for the development of the various applications across the different sectors, as each power point, each sensor; each monitoring device will need an IPv6 address for it to be able to communicate with any other part in the global network.One of the outcomes of the Internet of Things will be smart cities and smart communities. Many cities around the world are already heading in this direction and developing sophisticated projects based on e-health; e-government; e-education; smart energy and smart transport. Smart...
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