
Páginas: 2 (260 palabras) Publicado: 7 de febrero de 2011

The AMAZON river is the longest river in the world .The amazon river mesure (6.800 km) is 40 kilometers longer than theNilo in africa and of wide has like 5 or 6 kilometers . The amazon river has a big variety of animals examples : the piraña,pirarucu,tambaquielectric agile .
The amazon river starts in the deparment of AREQUIPA of the country of PERU there is like a smoll waterffal .
The spanishperson that discover the amazon river was named vicente yañes pinzon he discover the river in the year 1.500 and he named the river assantamaria de la mar but the name as the world no that is the amazon river was put by francisco orellana a spanisñ expedicionary .the amazon river has75.000 of diferents tipes of tress and 150.000
species of plants ,jaguars pumas, and tapir and a great variety of deers and3.000 species offishes examples : the piraña,pirarucu,tambaqui electric angila,pink dolphins and cocodriles and the 20% of the monkeys in the planet theamazon river has to more than 4.000 of butterflys but sadly in these beautiful river there is a big contamination of mercury because in the rivertapajos there are a lot of miners looking for gold and they do the washes of gold with mercury and then the river tapajos end in the amazonriver . And the amazon river has a 5 part of sweet water of the world but the bacterias had eliminated a big part of organic contamination
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