
Páginas: 5 (1019 palabras) Publicado: 23 de agosto de 2010
Resume chapter 1
In the first chapter the author Jane Austen introduces us the main characters involved in the story.
Mainly tells the life of Sir Walter Elliot (he was a very vain man that his only pleasure was reading about his life) and his family.
He was married to Elizabeth, daughter of James Stevenson, together they had three daughters, Elizabeth, Anne and Mary
Anne, who was the middleof the sisters, was the most beloved by Lady Russell, a close friend of her mother, but was also the most despised by his father and older sister.
Elizabeth in the event of her having no brother, the future baronet William Walter Elliot, meant to marry him and his father had always meant that she should.
She had a peculiar interest in him not only his position but by Himself, he was sometimesinvited to Kellynch hall but never showed. The latest news they had of it was that he had married a rich woman but lower class than him, which died shortly.
Sir Walter Elliot was staying at the ruin by mismanagement and extravagance for which his family was used to.

Resume chapter 2
Sir Walter after having heard the advice of his friends Mr. Shepherd and Lady Russell. Him and Elizabethrealized that the only solution they had were to leave all their luxuries, rent their house and go to another city, where their stay would be more enjoyable.
There had been three alternatives, London, Bath or another house in the country.
They decided on the first option but that was not the most appropriate for many reasons so after much thought decided to go to Bath.

Resume chapter 3
Mr.Shepherd persuaded the family to rent the house to a gentleman of the navy.
This was Mr. Croft that was accompanied by his wife.
Mr. Shepherd and Sir Walter talked a lot about marine life affected the physical appearance said that all the things you had to go meant that you could see much older.
Resume chapter 4
Anne maintained a relationship with Captain Frederick Wentworth, but his family did notapprove this relationship, since he had no more than his same reference.
Anne persuaded by Lady Russell broke the commitment he had acquired with the Captain Wentworth although the breakup was so painful she had to do it.
Capitan Wentworth devastated by the break up, run away from the region.
Resume chapter 5
On the agreed date the Crofts went to visit the house and found everything was totheir liking, they accepted all the terms for the rental of the same.
Lady Russell proposed to Anne to stay behind until Christmas. Until the Elliot already been installed in Bath.
Anne decided to go to Uppercross Cottage instead of going to Bath.
Lady Russell and Anne suspected that Mrs. Clay, daughter of Mr. Shepherd, was interested in marrying Sir Walter.
But Elizabeth denied everything andsaid they were just friends, and also, his father thought it was a very ugly woman.
Uppercross Cottage was a moderated-sized village. Anne had often been staying here.
The Musgroves, were a large family with not a very good manners, but very kind and friendly.
Resume chapter 6
Anne went to stay with Mary. Carlos her brother-in-law with who had a good relationship and her nephews.
Mary said thather husband did not care about her point of view, but that if she was sick would not think there was anything matter with her.
The Musgroves were so popular between their neighbors, and were always visited by everybody.
It was Sept. 29 when Mr. Croft told Anne that Frederick was married. She listened as Mr. Croft said to Mary his wife's brother was going to visit, Anne immediately assumed it wasCaptain Wentworth, her lover.
After a few days it was presented the captain, and Musgrove gave a dinner in appreciation of what he had done for their son who had died in the Navy.
Their only son, who all named as poor Dick all since he had never done anything outstanding to be recognized differently.
Resume chapter 7
After a few days it was presented the captain, and Musgrove gave a dinner...
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