
Páginas: 8 (1813 palabras) Publicado: 30 de octubre de 2012
Diego Caballero Eraña
Latin American Responses to Globalization in the 21st Century

The following essay, I will focus it to Mexico’s problem in comparison from what I read in the book, as in many chapters of the book I’ve felt that many actual problems are due to the Globalization. I based my essay on reliable sources of true and objective information.

I will start, as the book describesit, with the definition of Globalization, that is a social construction with little explanatory value created predominantly to justify and legitimize the imposition of a liberal economic system whose impact has been vastly exaggerated. Is a complex reality multifaceted and contradictory and that it affects different parts of the world.

Traditional political and economic state structures willgive way to globalist structures in which key actors are the main rolls of what the construction of a country really means.

The book describes Globalists are two groups:
• Neoliberals = beneficial because a new global division restraints advantages for everyone
• Neo-Marxists = disastrous victory of global capitalism over the disadvantaged masses.

With a global economy comesglobal economic crisis. The U.S. and Mexican economies are tightly interconnected, and what happens in one country has a direct and profound effect on the other. The Mexican working class has been ground down for decades by the death agony of the system.

"Poor Mexico! So far from God, and so close to the United States!" - Porfirio Diaz
There's an old saying that when the U.S. economy gets a cold,the Mexican economy gets pneumonia. For example, between 2000 and 2001, when the Internet bubble burst and the U.S. economy slowed from 3.7 percent to 0.8 percent, Mexico's economy went from 6.6 percent growth to zero, with devastating effects on the lives of millions of people. So what happens when the U.S. economy itself gets pneumonia? The deepening U.S. financial crisis is already having aviolent knock-on effect around the world, and Mexico will be among the hardest hit.
This is a reality in our country, due to the closeness to US; we have been merged into 3 main problems.

1. Energy supplies, such as oil
2. Organized Crime
3. International immigration

Energy Supplies
The energy industry plays an important role in the Mexican economy, and energy trade is a majorcomponent to the U.S.-Mexico relationship. Mexico is the third-largest foreign crude oil supplier to the United States, with exports currently averaging about 1.2 million barrels per day (b/d). The oil sector generates about 15 percent of Mexico’s export earnings. The importance of these exports in terms of net foreign exchange earnings is even greater, since much of the exports of manufactured goodsare heavily dependent on imported inputs. However, for several years, budget limitations have translated into inadequate investment in the oil and gas industry in Mexico, with a resulting decline in production.
On the whole, there remains great hope that Latin America’s energy rich nations will be able to capitalize on their natural resource wealth as they seek a more significant role in globalpolitics and address the rising domestic demand for energy that is both a catalyst for and a consequence of greater economic development.

Organized Crime

Evolution of a street gang:
There are three-tiered generational model:
• First generation gangs are traditional street gangs. Turf and lack political ends limit them.

• Second generation gangs tend to focus on the distribution ofdrugs or “taxing” drug-trafficking routes. In many ways these gangs function as a business and have a larger geographic and political focus

• The third generation gang operates or wishes to operate on a truly global scale. They have established ties with other international criminal entities: they have developed their own international reputation, and have established at least a limited...
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