
Páginas: 3 (657 palabras) Publicado: 17 de noviembre de 2012

Whether or not Euthanasia and assisted suicide should be legalized is one of the most hotly debated legal and ethical issues. Euthanasia is assisted suicide,or it could be ending patience’s suffering by letting him die. Medical technology is advancing so fast euthanasia is not needed to be a practice in today's society. Many people state they want to diebecause their pain is so severe or they feel so depressed. However, as long as a person lives the hope of a better tomorrow is always there. Moreover, it is inhuman and against the law.
People whohave supported euthanasia in the past believe that it allows a person to die with dignity instead of being kept barely alive by artificial means. Active euthanasia involves painlessly putting individualsto death for merciful reasons, as when a doctor administers a lethal dose of medication to a patient. Passive euthanasia involves not doing something to prevent death, as when doctors refrain fromusing an artificial respirator to keep alive a terminally ill patient. Euthanasia can be traced as far back as to the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. It was sometimes allowed in thesecivilizations to help others die. Voluntary euthanasia was approved in these ancient societies. As time passed, religion increased, and life was viewed to be sacred. Euthanasia in any form was seen as wrong. TheChurch's teaching on human life is based on the voice of faith which echoes in every human heart, the truth that we have been created in God's image and likeness and are stewards of His gift of life.For many years now, assisted suicide has been a debated topic of who believes in it and who does not. I don't care how you do it, it isn't right to help someone die.

Euthanasia is the takingof a person's life and that is wrong even if the person desires to die. Voluntary euthanasia can be defined as the person asking someone to take his/her life. It is a crime to take someone's life....
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