La fama

Páginas: 2 (278 palabras) Publicado: 14 de junio de 2010
1 GREETING ( saludo)
good morning

Our product is the helps

Its fiber content gives laxative properties. Fiber preventsconstipation or improvement, helps reduce blood cholesterol rates, good control of blood glucose and has a satiating effect, beneficial in cases of diabetes and excess weight,however, in appropriate quantities.
The handle has antioxidant properties due to its high level of vitamin C.
Thanks to its diuretic effect of potassium intake. Thehandle is ideal for people who need to remove fluid
The handle is a great tasting food, easy to use and also very healthy. Reasons why it is recommended at any age.

Apiece of this fruit of about 200 g covers the daily needs of vitamin C in an adult, 30% of vitamin A and 23% of vitamin E.

The handle provides a kcal/100 65 grams, whichis considered a fruit with a moderate caloric content.

These calories come mostly from carbohydrates it contains, since virtually no fat and proteins.
85 g.carbohydrate.
    * 0.4 g. Fat.
    * 0.5 g. Protein.
    * 190 mg. Potassium
    * 30 mg. Vitamin C.
    * 19 mg. Magnesium.
    * 12 mg. Phosphorus.
    * 10 mg.Calcium.

4 how to use it (cómo usarlo)
the handle can eat biche, mature and Jech.
Jech the bug and are delicious with salt and lemon. Proponer una traducción major canalso be done with this fruit juice

5 taste and degustation ( sabor y degustacion)
animate and try the delicious handle

6 promotion promocion
to order two handles atfive hundred pesos

7 contacts (contactos) and
Phone: 5736140 and 5602503
Address: kra 13 ·7a 22 san carlos and garupal
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