La Necesidad De Ayuda Psicológica Después De Cirugías De Reducción De Peso

Páginas: 12 (2974 palabras) Publicado: 22 de abril de 2012

Psychological help is necessary after a weight reduction surgery because it helps you correct bad eating habits, makes the patient capable of managing psychological reactions to the physical effects of surgery and prepares you to handle the pressure of the social environment.

I. Introduction
A. Background
B. ThesisStatement
II. Bad Eating habits
A. Causes and effects
B. Specific psychological treatments
III. Psychological reactions to the physical effects of surgery
A. Physical effects
B. Psychological effects
IV. Pressure of the social environment
A. Patient expectations
B. People reaction
V. Conclusion

Estefanía Varenius


“Studies have shownthat most people who choose bariatric surgery as a solution to their weight problem need mental care not only before surgery but after it as well.” (After Gastric Bypass Surgery: Possible Problems, 2008)
Overweight and obesity are both labels for ranges of weight that are greater than what is generally considered healthy for a given height. Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. Aperson is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. To identify possible weight problems in adults, clinicians and the general public use Body Mass Index (BMI). For adults, overweight and obesity ranges are determined by using weight and height to calculate a number BMI. For most people, BMI correlates with amount of body fat. An adult who has a BMI between 25% and29.9% is considered overweight, an adult who has a BMI of 30% or higher is considered obese.
However, there is a difference between being obese and being classified as a morbidly obese person. A person is classified as morbidly obese when their BMI is greater than 40, or they are more than 100 pounds over their ideal body weight. Additionally, individuals who have a BMI of 35% or greater with anexisting co-morbidity such as i.e. diabetes, hypertension, etc. are also classified as morbidly obese. Obesity and morbid obesity has many of the same causes and some similar risks, but they differ mostly with treatment strategies. There are several methods available to address it; nevertheless it is important to notice that treating morbid obesity often takes a more aggressive approach, whichincludes bariatric surgery.
According to REALIZE research shows that traditional treatment options, such as diet, exercise, and behavior modification, are relatively ineffective in helping patients with morbid obesity achieve and maintain weight loss over the long term. Weight loss surgery is typically more effective. Compared with other treatments, bariatric surgery has provided the longestperiod of sustained weight loss in patients for whom all other options failed. There are three types of bariatric surgeries; the Gastric bypass, that is the most used procedure of all three, the Adjustable Gastric band and finally the Sleeve gastrectomy procedure. But these weight reduction surgeries are not for everyone; they must be qualified and ready to make a commitment to a new healthy andactive lifestyle. Only the individual and its weight loss team of experts can evaluate the situation and decide if surgery is right for the person.
The topic of this essay has been chosen by the degree of importance it represents. In most cases, if not all of them, people who suffer from morbid obesity have both emotional problems and bad eating habits. In addition these surgeries are an abruptchange in physical and psychological manners. According to Harvard medical school patients should receive extensive medical, nutritional, and counseling services before and after bariatric surgeries. The counseling help can come from a psychologist and support groups. In countries such as United States, United Kingdom, among others support groups are common. In Ecuador on the other hand, not many...
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