La robotica

Páginas: 5 (1181 palabras) Publicado: 30 de noviembre de 2010
The robotics

Robotics is the science and technology of robots. It deals with the design, manufacture and application of robots. Robotics combines various disciplines such as: mechanics, electronics, informatics, artificial intelligence and control engineering. Other important areas are algebra, robotics, PLCs and state machines.

The term robot was popularized with the success of the playRUR (Rossum's Universal Robots), written by Karel Capek in 1920. In the English translation of this work, the Czech word robota, meaning forced labor, was translated into English as a robot.EscucharLeer fonéticament Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado

History of Robotics

The history of telegraphy, the chess machine, the first air shuttle and many other mills) coined the term "automatic" inrelation to the theory of automating tasks traditionally associated with humans.robotics has been linked to the construction of "artifacts" that tried to embody the human desire to create beings in his likeness and download it work. The Spanish engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo (GAP) (who built the first remote control for your car by wireless

Karel Capek, a Czech writer, coined in 1921 theterm "Robot" in his play "Rossum's Universal Robots / RUR" from the Czech word robota, which means servitude or forced labor. Robotics is the term coined by Isaac Asimov, defining the science of robots. Asimov also created the Three Laws of Robotics. In science fiction, man has imagined robots visiting new worlds, gaining power, or simply relieving the house work.
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|Fecha |Importancia |Nombre del robot |Inventor |
|1930s |Se exhibe un robot humanoide en la World's Fairs entre los años 1939 y 1940 |Elektro |Westinghouse Electric |
| || |Corporation |
|1948 |Exhibición de un robot con comportamiento biológico simple |Elsie y Elmer |William Grey Walter |
|1956 |Primer robot comercial, de la compañía Unimation fundada por George Devol y |Unimate |George Devol |
| |Joseph Engelberger, basada en unapatente de Devol | | |
|1961 |Se instala el primer robot industrial |Unimate |George Devol |
|1963 |Primer robot "palletizing" |Palletizer |Fuji Yusoki Kogyo |
|1973 |Primerrobot con seis ejes electromecánicos |Famulus |KUKA Robot Group |
|1975 |Brazo manipulador programable universal, un producto de Unimation |PUMA |Victor Scheinman |
|2000 |Robot Humanoide capaz de desplazarse de forma bípeda e interactuar con las |ASIMO |Honda Motor Co. Ltd|
| |personas | | |

Classification of robots:

According to the chronology:

• Generation 1.

Manipulators. They are mechanical systems with a single multifunction control system, either manual or fixed sequence of variable sequence.

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• Generation 2.

Robots learning. Repeat a sequence of movements that has been previously executed by a human operator. The way to do this is through a mechanical device. The operator performs the required movements while the robot remains and stores.

• 3 rd Generation.

Sensorised control robots. The controller is a computer running a program...
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