
Páginas: 3 (576 palabras) Publicado: 26 de febrero de 2015
Hey Elizabeth! Where are you going?
Hi! Josue I´m going to the cinema to see my boyfriend, but I dont know this part of the city. Where is the cinema?
Well we are in the school? Right, so you takede first Street and the turn right to the main Street, The cinema its next to the store and in front of the hospital.
Oh! Thanks, Josue see you later
Be careful!

Hey hello, What is your name?My name is Areli nice to meet you
Nice to meet you too, my name is Josue. Are you new in the city?
Yes I am. Excuse me where is the post office?
Well we are in the train station so you gonna takethe central avenue and then yo turn right in the first Street, the post office is in the corner of the first and main Street next to the school.
Wow! Thank you very much see you later Josue.

Hi Airy Where are you going?
Well I going to the church to see my grandmother but I am lost! Can you tell me how can I get there?
Of course! Well we are in the bank so you have to take themain Street and then turn right to the second Street, the church is in the corner of the Street beside the hospital.
Ok! Thank you Josue
Your welcome.
09 de Septiembre de 2013

ASUNTO: Carta de Motivos.

A través de este medio me dirijo a usted de maneara respetuosa para informar, los motivos que me conducen a estudiar la Maestría en Educación en la EscuelaInteramericana para el desarrollo (UNID) , en primer lugar es por el deseo personal de mantenerme actualizada en mi formación académica, por otro lado dado a que me desempeño como docente en elnivel medio superior , es importante mantenerme en formación continua ya que nuestros alumnos cada vez enfrentan nuevas necesidades y los docentes debemos estar preparados para poder guiarlos y apoyarlosen su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

Leonila Barrera Cruz

09 de Septiembre de 2013
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