
Páginas: 7 (1501 palabras) Publicado: 19 de octubre de 2012
Test used to determine the preferred channel of perception.

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Write on the lines the number that best describes your actions:
1. almost always
2. occasionally
3. almost never

1. You are introduced to a (a) young lovely (a) and immediately ...
(s) _____ Feeling butterflies
(a) _____ You start a conversation, askingabout their hobbies, likes, etc..
(v) _____ Imagine a scene where the couple embracing.

2. Find a cockroach on the floor and ...
(v) _____ You look like you're in a hypnotic trance
(s) _____ The crush at once the shoe
(a) _____ you constantly say: "Have courage and kill her ... be brave and kill her ... "

3. You get to a meeting where you do not know anyone and ...
(a) _____ You locatethe sound system and you care about the music selection
(v) _____ You look around for a person more attractive
(s) _____ You approach the table of snacks and tests

4. You're at a fancy dinner and suddenly you serve a dish that you do not like and ...
(a) _____ You try to convince you that yes you'll love
(s) _____ apologizing explaining that you are not hungry
(v) _____ You claim that youhave served a different dish and eat it.

5. Argue with your best friend (a) and after even considered ...
(v) _____ You write a letter requesting an apology
(a) _____ Call him (her) on the phone and ask for an apology
(s) _____ looking to give a big hug and ask for an apology

6. You find your partner behaves coolly with you, and you ...
(s) _____ Taking his hand and try to investigatewhat is happening
(v) _____ imagine she's seeing someone else
(a) _____ You ask what happens

7. You are on the first date the person of your dreams, and you ...
(v) _____ see his face straight, but suddenly you can not think of anything to say
(a) _____ You talk and talk without stopping
(s) _____ Feeling confused and begin to move a leg uncontrollably

8. It's your birthday, they give youa voucher for use at Sanborn's, and you ...
(a) _____ Shopping discs of your favorite music
(v) _____ Purchasing books or magazines
(s) _____ You invite your best friend to eat at restaurant
9. When making a big decision...
(a) _____ You choose the option that sounds better
(s) _____ guides you through your intuition and decide what is best
(v) _____ You choose the option that looks best10. During an argument affects you more ...
(v)________ point of view of another
(s) _____ The feelings of the other persona
(a) _____ The voice of the other person

11. You can tell your mood ...
(s)______ The feelings you share
(v) _____ The way you dress
(a) _____Your tone of voice

12. You have a knack for finding ...
(s)________ more comfortable furniture
(a)________ The idealvolume of a sound system
(v)________ The best combination of colors

13. This weekend you prefer ...
(a)_______ Listen to music or read a good book
(v)_______ Watching TV or movies
(s) _______Make crafts or exercises

14. When you meet someone you look at ..
(s)________ The manner in which it moves
(v)________ The way you saw
(a)________ The way he talks

15. You learn more easily when...
(a) ______They tell you how
(s) ______ You get the chance
(v)______We show how to do

16. You are in an unfamiliar city and you find an address, you ...
(s) ______You follow your hunches
(a) ______Question directions
(v)______You use a map

17. Prefer magazines ...
(v) ______With great pictures
(a) ______That talk about interesting topics
(s) ______ From crafts and sports

18.When you have many things to do ...
(s)_____ You feel uncomfortable until you
(v)_____You make a list
(a)_____ you remember over and over what to do

19. Someone is telling a personal problem and you ...
(a)______ You try to listen carefully to what you mean
(v)______ You try to see their situation
(s)______ You try to feel for what is happening

20. I prefer places ...
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