
Páginas: 3 (579 palabras) Publicado: 17 de noviembre de 2011

Student’s Name | : | Enzo de Souza de Cossio |
Teacher’s Name | : | Alix |
Dictionary Used | : | Oxford Dictionary |
Course | : | I-10 | Time | : | 11-1pm |

Apollo 15’s AlWorden on Space and Scandal
Summary (150 to 300 words)
When the Apollo 15’s come back to Earth in 1971. The man in charge was the astronaut Al Worden and his crew Dave and Jim onto the spacecraft.First, Al has to be on the moon to make the scientific research like place a satellite in lunar orbit and take some photographs of very faint objects. Second, he have to isolated from even NASA andbe alone for three days around the far side of the moon only to sleep and scientific research so he can’t be distractive in anything, however he carried with him some tapes of the Beatles and of aFrench singer Mireille Mathieu. After, he performed the first space walk that he made himself pushed it to practice. However, the several times that he practices he felt nervous, but all went in thecorrect way and everything stayed ok. Couple months later of came back to Earth Al was involved in a scandal. There were some autographed postal covers that were taken in the spacecraft and as a resultthey were banned from ever flying in space again. In the interview with Smithsonian he told that the all thing they did like took some photographs didn’t were illegal but the government saw that as a badtaste. Also, he compare with Apollo 14’s and made a performance that such things happened before. The space program was shuttle and he found himself sad because he thinks that space travels providehuman kind technology and development. Finally, he realized that whatever happened he want to retire like he did it in three times. |

Personal Opinion (Min. 50 words for 150-word summaries | Min.100 words for 300-word summaries)
I found this article very interesting because of the many situations that capitates in the flight onto space. I enjoy how Al Worden handle the whole situation and...
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