
Páginas: 2 (344 palabras) Publicado: 14 de enero de 2013
Chapter 1
Before you read
1. Read the introduction. What do you think is the greatest invention in history? Why?
Processor because is the most important part of the computer.
2. Look atthe word list at the back of the book. Find new words in your dictionary.
Keyboard, USB, focus, wheel, electricity, fuel.
3. Find two things in the word list that:
a. Use gunpowderRifle, gun, pump
b. are used inside a computer
Processor, key board, mouse, case, motherboard, web cam, etc.
c. travel in space
Helicopter, airplane, Ballooning.
d. help people tonavigate
Telegrapher, satellite, radar, compass.
4. Can you name these people?
e. The painter the Mona Lisa.
f. A Greek who studied triangles.
g. An early Venetian travelerto China
Leonardo Davinci: Leonardo da Vinci is a famous Italian painter, inventor, sculptor, and musician, among his many other talents. He lived from 1452 to 1519
Tales de Mileto: was theinitiator of rational inquiry about the universe. He is considered the first philosopher in the history of Western philosophy.
Marco Polo: was a merchant and Venetian traveler, famous for his travels toEast Asia narrated in the book of one million
5. In what ways has printing changed in the last twenty years?
now prints in color in newspapers, magazine, etc.
6. Are these statements true(T) or false (F)?

* Paper was invented around a thousand years ago. F
* Bi Sheng printed the first Chinese book T
* Bi sheng’s invention changed the life in China T
*Johannes Butenberg the first European book F
* At that time, it took 3-4 weeks to make paper T
* Printing helper more Europeans to learns to read T
* Manutius began to print a new typeok book. T
* A Mr. Glover was the first printer in the United States T
7. Put these things in the order they were invented.
h. Color printing( )
i. Paper( )
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