Los simpons y la filosofia

Páginas: 4 (918 palabras) Publicado: 5 de marzo de 2011
How many philosophers does it take to write a book about The Simpsons?
Apparently, about 20 to write it and 3 to edit. But that's not so bad, considering it takes 300
people 8 months, at a costof 1.5 million dollars, to make a single episode of The Simpsons.
Seriously, though, don't we have other work to do besides writing about TV shows? The
short answer is yes, we do, but we enjoyedwriting these essays, and we hope you'll enjoy
reading them.
The seeds for this volume were sown a few years ago. When the popular comedy
Seinfeld was going off the air, William Irwin had aquirky idea -- a collection of
philosophical essays on the "show about nothing." He and his philosopher pals enjoyed the
show and engaged in many humorous and stimulating discussions about it, so whynot
share the fun in the form of a book? The people at Open Court had the vision, fortitude, and
sense of humor to take on the project, and so Irwin found himself editing Seinfeld and
Philosophy:A Book about Everything and Nothing. The book was a true success, not only
among academics, but among the general public as well.
Another television show Irwin and his friends enjoyed and haddiscussed is The
Simpsons, They appreciated its irony, its irreverence, and they realized that -- like Seinfeld
-- it was a rich and fertile ground for philosophical investigation and discussion. SoIrwin
decided to put together a second volume, this one on The Simpsons, and he asked two of the
contributors to the Seinfeld book, Mark Conard and Aeon Skoble, to co-edit the work.
Once again,Open Court applauded the idea, and if you're reading this, you're obviously at
least a little interested in either philosophy, The Simpsons, or both. The concept is the same:
the show has enoughintelligence and depth to warrant some philosophical discussion, and
as a popular show, can also serve as a vehicle for exploring a variety of philosophical
issues for a general audience....
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