Mat Building

Páginas: 3 (551 palabras) Publicado: 22 de enero de 2013
Valencia, 10 de diciembre de 2012.
Estrategias Proyectuales

Reflexión Personal sobre: “Mat Building”

The scale of human relationships today is such, it is so vast and they are so thin, thatthe visual disciplines alone are no longer adequate to express these relationships. I insist on this visual aspect of architecture, but, the fact is that we experience and used buildings in many ways,we don't only look at them... other systems, beyond the visual, are required to illuminate those relationships and forces which are structures of our cities.
Shadrach Woods, Progressive Architecture,October 1964
Today we are involved in mass production, mass distribution, mass consumption, mass housing, mass education, mass leisure. We are especially concerned with the relations-hips betweenthese mass activities (…) There problems are most acute where the mass is greatest, i.e. in our cities and urban regions. The constant and rapid evolution of our society will not allow the stratificationof cities. The question is not to build flexible buildings but to establish an environment in which building an their environment. It is clear that no formal composition can provide an answer to thisproblem; for the nature of all formal composition is static, precise, and fixed (…). The object is not to make the building flexible but to make the urban complex flexible enough to foster short-lifebuildings as well as long-lived ones.”
Candilis, Josic, Woods. Le Carré Bleu, 3,1961.
Tomo como punto de partida estos artículos, para entender sustancialmente el “Mat Building” como método dediseño, como estrategia para lograr y concebir el espacio no solo como área de formación de nuevos espacios visualmente atractivos, sino como lugares de interconexión y relaciones humanas mas profundas.Estos espacios, deben ser en menor medida una representación de grandes espacios urbanos, donde la sociedad genera una serie de intercambios que son capaces de producir relaciones interpersonales mas...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas