Matematicas Primer Grado

Páginas: 33 (8190 palabras) Publicado: 20 de enero de 2013
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Zoller, K.: Comunicarse con los Caballos. Omega, Barcelona, 2002.

Appleby, M.e. and Hughes. B.O.: Poultry Production Systems: Behaviour Management and Welfare. CAB International, Wallingford, 1992.

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Gendron, S. K. and Earle, B. M.:Rabbit Handbook Purchase, Care and Breeding. Understanding rabbit behavior. 2nd. Ed. Barren"s Educational Series. USA, 2000.

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Alonso PA y col.: Administración Pecuaria (Aves, Bovinos y Cerdos). SUA FMVZ, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. 2002.
Boden E.: Sheep and Goat Practice. Bailliere Tindall, London, 1991....
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