Mejoras En Procesos De Almacén

Páginas: 94 (23401 palabras) Publicado: 6 de agosto de 2012
Corporate Learning : MDP7
NAME: Víctor Hugo Páez
STUDENT NO: 1367712
DATE: October 26, 2010

Management Development Program - Position Paper


Name: Víctor Hugo Páez
Student no: PZXVIC001
Date: 26th October 2010
Course: Systemic Management Practice – GSB4102W

Position Paper

Assessment Summary
Mark |
Relevance:Comments- |
0-5Demonstrates little or no insight into the problem situation. The concern is vague and it is not clear why it is a problem and needs attention. Little or no sense of the relevance of the problem | 6-8 | 9-11 | 12-15Demonstrates good insight into the problem situation. Clearly states the concern and why it is a problem and needs attention. Clearly and compellingly demonstrates thesignificance and relevance of the problem | |
Utility: Comments - |
0-7The proposed answer is vague and it is not clear how it answers the question posed and plausibly deals with the concern. | 8-11 | 12-15 | 16-20The proposed answer is clearly stated. Clearly shows how the proposed action answers the question posed and plausibly deals with the concern. | |
Validity: Comment - |
0-10Thechains of reasoning leading to conclusions and proposed answer are vague and their underlying logic is not clear – the data is suspect and there is little evidence of the rigorous use of dependable analytic and synthetic methods | 11-16 | 17-23 | 24-30Documents clear and logical chains of reasoning in getting to conclusions and proposed action - based on credible data the rigorous use ofdependable analytic and synthetic methods | |
Ethics: Comment - |
0-5Little or no credible consideration of the ethical implications of the proposed action | 6-8 | 9-11 | 12-15Makes a well reasoned judgment n the ethical implications of the proposed action base on a clear ethical framework and empirical data | |
Communication: Comment - |
0-7Poorly organized; does not meet project and formatrequirements. Too many serious spelling and grammatical mistakes | 8-11 | 12-15 | 16-20Well organized; Fully meets project and format requirements. No serious spelling and grammatical mistakes | |
Final mark= |

Plagiarism Statement





1. I know that plagiarism is wrong.Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend that it is your own.

2. I have used a recognised convention for citation and referencing. Each significant contribution and quotation from the works of other people has been attributed, cited and referenced.

3. I certify that this submission is all my own work.

4. I have not allowed and will not allow anyone to copy thisessay with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work.

Signature: Víctor Hugo Páez Date: 26th October 2010


Section | Description | Page No |
| | |
| Rubric | 2 |
| Plagiarism Statement | 3 |
| Executive summary | 5 |
1 | Establishing Relevance | 8 |
1. 1 | Situation – How to increase the Effectiveness in AGA Reporting | 8 |
1. 2 | Concern – Lackof culture in accomplish deadlines and low cost awareness in Managers | 15 |
1. 3 | Argument for relevance | 18 |
| Establishing Utility | 20 |
1. 4 | Question – How do I become a better value creator? | 20 |
1. 5 | Answer – Creating or reinforcing cost awareness and the importance to meet AGA deadlines | 22 |
1. 6 | Argument for utility | 25 |
2 | Establishing Validity | 26 |
2. 1| Rationale | 26 |
2. 2 | Argument for validity | 28 |
3 | Implementation | 29 |
4 | Evaluating Ethical Implications-Ethical Implications – | 32 |
| | |
| Bibliography | 35 |
| Appendix A | 36 |
| Appendix BAppendix C | 4055 |
| | |...
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