Mestria En Aerofisicanuclernauticaypedos

Páginas: 2 (295 palabras) Publicado: 10 de febrero de 2013
// LinearTextureAddressing - Rendering to non-square textures require w,h not 0-1 coordinates.
// LinearTextureAddressingSun - Rendering the sun requires w,h not 0-1coordinates
// LinearTextureAddressingZoom - Rendering the zoom effect requires w,h not 0-1 coordinates
// MinMaxBlendOpIsBroken - Indicates that the Min/Max blend modes are broken.
//UseAlternateConvolveMask - Use three stage convolution mask.
// MaximumResolution - Limits maximum resolution of card to width specified ie: MaximumResolution = 800.
// UseFixedFunction -Forces card to use fixed function path
// UnsupportedCard - Unsupported video card (below GF2)
// OldDriver - A driver we do not recommend because it's older than oneswe have tested
// InvalidDriver - A driver which we know has serious issues
// OldSoundDriver - A sound driver we do not recommend because it's older than ones we havetested
// EnableStopStart - Sound card supports fast calls to stop and start buffer functions
// HeadRelativeSpeech - Sound card prefers head relative instead of disabled 3D calls
//InvalidSoundDriver - A sound driver which we know has serious issues
// SafeMode - All rendering options set to their lowest (most safe) setting
// DisableDriverManagement- Specifies that Direct3D should manage resources instead of the driver.
// ForceShader - Forces the search for valid shaders to start at a value other than the max the cardsupports ie: ForceShader=14
// UseAnisotropicFilter - For high end cards will use Anisotropic filtering instead of trilinear on environments
// UMA - UMA card, base videomemory on system memory size (0-64 = 8Meg, 6-128 = 16Meg, 128-256 = 32Meg, 256+ = 64Meg)
// DisableBuffering - Forces a video card to render each scene - used to prevent mouse lag
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