
Páginas: 2 (414 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2013
With firm and determined steps, fifty Minotaurs walk upright and proudly through the streets of central Madrid. Advancing, they press ahead with strength and tenacity. Fifty people wearing largebulls heads made of cardboard scatter and disperse, walking the sidewalks and traversing the traffic lights and street corners of the city.

The figures create a visually striking and strange urbanlandscape. The Minotaur is a traditional Spanish character loaded with symbolism. As both man and animal, this primeval monster is powerful and erotic.

The action does not speak to the bullfightingdebate. We speak to the current social context of Spain, bringing optimism and vitality to what has been woeful and pessimistic. The figure of the bull ideally represents the resistance, the courage andthe character of the Spanish people. This is a bull that is able to overcome all challenges.

This action is funded entirely by mmmm...

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Immobilienbrief Spanien...
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