
Páginas: 8 (1755 palabras) Publicado: 24 de julio de 2012
In this research I will talk about the Parkinson Disease. Parkinson’s is known commonly in the elderly, (60+), although some cases can be seen in younger patients. Is characterized by a disorder that affects the nervous cells or neurons in our brain that control muscle movement. Nobody knows the origin of this disease and what causes damage to the cells, but I would explainmore depth about their possible causes, symptoms and remedies or treatments. I will talk briefly about who discovered and named the disease and when was first diagnosed.
Definition of Parkinson Disease
Parkinson disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects primarily structures like the substantia nigra and the striatum, usually also affect the limbic system and the hypothalamus. Itsorigin is unknown but genetic factors are recognized and its importance may vary in different situations. Parkinson disease is chronic, progressive and slow, which affect the area of the brain that controls and coordinate movement and body posture. In that zone called the substantia nigra it is found a chemical compound called dopamine, this chemical compound is what help the regulation of allmovements, doing it in a harmony and effective way. That is why the first symptoms are the deficiency of movements such as tremors, general slowness (bradykinesia), stiffness and alteration in the body posture and the walk.
Sir Parkinson discovered the disease and named it after him, but at first he called it “agitans paralysis”, and the most prominent symptoms were the decrease in movement(paralysis) and stirring (tremors). It is diagnose among people from 40 to 70 years of age, and in the 60’s is when the higher incidence of Parkinson’s occurs.

Although the cause of Parkinson disease can’t be identified in some cases it has been found that in some patients with a chemical imbalance and the loss of certain cells can experience the disease. Some studies have linkedthe exposure to agrochemicals at an early age with the disorder, and in some patients is genetically inherited. Likewise the use of drugs can lead to the Parkinson Disease.
Possible Etiology and Pathophysiology
* Primary Parkinsonism: There is a loss of pigmented neurons in the substantia nigra, locus coeruleus and other dopaminergic cells groups of the brainstem. Loss of neurons in thesubstantia nigra that project to the caudate nucleus and the putamen causes a depletion of the neurotransmitter dopamine in these areas. In cases where the disease is more advance the region of the midbrain that contains the substantia nigra is destroyed by an inflammatory process. The disease usually begins after age 40 with an increased incidence in older age groups.
* Secondary Parkinsonism: Isdue to a loss of interference with the action of dopamine in the ganglia basal due to idiopathic degenerative diseases, drugs or exogenous toxic products. The most frequent cause of the secondary Parkinsonism is the use of drugs like neuroleptics or reserpine. All those drugs produce Parkinsonism because of the blocked of dopaminergic receptors.

* causes less common include poisoning by CO ormanganese, hydrocephalus, structural lesions (tumor, infarcts), subdural hematomas, degenerative disorders such as nigrostriada degeneration or olivopontocerebellar atrophy.
Clinical Picture and Symptoms
Characterized by slowness of movements (bradykinesia), along with resting tremor and increased muscle tone (stiffness) was first discovered in 1817 by a British Physician, Sir JamesParkinson. Is detected by the presence or visible symptoms that characterize the disease. It is difficult to diagnose at first, since not all symptoms occur at the same time. In the early phase of the disease patient can experience joint pain or depressive mood or symptoms. One of the key for this central nervous system disease focuses on the diagnosis, which is essentially clinical and is affected...
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