Pasado Simple

Páginas: 2 (396 palabras) Publicado: 19 de febrero de 2013
Lista del Pasado Simple de los Verbos Irregulares más comunes en inglés: |

Infinitive | Past Simple |
Be ser/estar | Was/were |
Begín empezar | Began |
Break romper | Broke |Bring traer | Brought |
Build construir | Built |
Buy comprar | Bought |
Catch coger | Caught |
Choose eligir | Chose |
Cost costar | Cost |
Cut cortar | Cut |
Do hacer | Did |
Draw dibujar |Drew |
Drink beber | Drank |
Drive conducir | Drove |
Eat comer | Ate |
Fall caer | Fell |
Feel sentir | Felt |
Find encontrar | Felt |
Fly volar | Flew |
Forget olvidar | Forgot |Get coger/tener | Got |
Give dar | Gave |
Go ir | Went |
Grow crecer | Grew |
Have tener | Had |
Hear oir | Heard |
Keep guardar | Kept |
Know saber | Knew |
Let dejar | Let |
Lose perder| Lost |
Make hacer | Made |
Mean significar | Meant |
Meet encontrar | Met |
Pay pagar | Paid |
Put poner | Put |
Read leer | Read |
Ring llamar | Rang |
Rise subir | Rose |Say decir | Said |
See ver | Saw |
Show mostrar | Showed |
Sing cantar | Sang |
Sell vender | Sold |
Send enviar | Sent |
Shut cerrar | Shut |
Sit sentarse | Sat |
Sleep dormir | Slept |Spend gastar/pasar | Spent |
Swim nadar | Swam |
Take tomar | Took |
Teach enseñar | Taught |
Tell decir | Told |
Understand entender | Understood |
Wake despertarse | Woke |
Wear llevar |Wore |
Win  ganar | Won |
Write  escribir | Wrote |
Como se forma el pasado continuo

Pasado continuo afirmativo:
Subject + was/were + present participle (verbo+ing)
I+ was +reading. (Estaba leyendo)

Pasado continuo negativo:
Subject + wasn´t/weren´t + present participle
I wasn´t reading. (No estaba leyendo).
Pasado continuo interrogativo

Questions was/were + subject +present participle
Were you reading? (¿Estabas leyendo?)

El pasado continuo
Aqui vamos a contrastar el pasado continuo con el pasado simple al final encontrarás ejercicios con las respuestas...
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  • presente, simple y pasado simple
  • Pasado simple
  • Pasado Simple
  • Presente simple y pasado simple
  • Pasado simple
  • Pasado simple
  • Pasado simple
  • Pasado Simple

Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas