Presentacion investigacion

Páginas: 4 (989 palabras) Publicado: 30 de abril de 2011
Today I will present to you “Improvement of Geometry Knowledge on Third Cycle of Basic Education Mathematics Teachers in Honduras Using Honduran Textbooks”

The Aim of this Research is theimprovement of academic performance in mathematics on Basic Education in Honduras through the identification of mathematics teachersʼ competency and ability in geometry knowledge.... and also the developmentof mathematics teachersʼ geometrical thinking.

The purpose of this research in Honduras is... first, to measure the level of geometry knowledge using tests based on van Hiele Levels.... Second, toconduct an intensive course on geometry contents using Honduran mathematics texbooks for secondary junior high school.... Third, to determine the impact of intensive course..... And also, to Reviewresearchʼs results for implementation and developing on further teachers training programs in Honduras.

The main questions of research are... What is the Geometry knowledge by van Hiele Levels ofundergraduate pre-service mathematics teachers from Pedagogical Universityʼs Initial teachers training program in Choluteca?
{CLICK} and... What can learn this undergraduate pre-service mathematicsteachers through an intensive course on Geometry contents using secondary mathematics textbooks?

Well, this research was conducted on August, nineth to thirteenth of this year by a term of five days.{CLICK} the target group is a sample of 48 undergraduate pre-service mathematics teachers for junior high school, all of them from Honduras Pedagogical Universityʼs Initial teachers trainigprogram.
{CLICK} The stages was.... Pre-test, Intensive course, and post-test

The test instruments used were...
{CLICK} pre and post test of van Hiele Geometry Test developed by Usiskin
{CLICK} preand post test of Basic Geometry contents of fourth to sixth grades
{CLICK} pre and post test of Basic Geometry contents of seventh to nineth grades

this table there are the geometry contents...
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