Prof de geografia

Páginas: 30 (7388 palabras) Publicado: 11 de septiembre de 2012

ABSTRACT: Plastic is a kind of material designed in a laboratory, mainly through a synthetic transformation of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxigen, it is compounded with other elements that are obtained from oil.
Plastic is not too much biodegradable, for this reason it becomes a very
contaminating product, more even if we take into account that when plastics burn, they producepoisonous.
The 90 percent of the plastic material can be recycled, and we can find it in numerous shapes and styles. Howeven, due to its great variety, it is difficult to clasify it. For this reason, the symbols to identify it have been created, which is just appearing in our country.

These are the symbols we can find in the different products elaborated with plastic:
1. Polyethylene Tereftalato.(PET)
2. High density polyethylene (PEAD)
3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
4. Low density polyethylene (PEBD)
5. Polipropileno (PP)
6. Poliestireno (PE)
7. Other plastics.
Wen can find this variety of plastics in products such as: disposable cups (PS), oil, detergent, shampoo containers, (PVC), plastic bags (PEBD), lemonade bottles (PET), nursely plastics (PEAD), plastic reels and strings to tieup (PP).
Cares: Whenever is possible, plastic containers must be rinsed before separating them, since their contamination increases the cleaning price. They can either be exposed to the sun, since this worsens their quality in order to transform them in new plastics.
We can design toys, hosepipes, pails, glues, pegs, labels and numerous objects of commercial and house use with the plasticrecovered.
Solid waste recycling in United States: Solid wasterecycling in United States has followed a different course from Europe´s. Environment Protection Agency of this country (EPA), has dacided permiting that plastic material recycling be determined by marketing forces, without offering any benefit. More than 4400 communities have established variable charges of collection, in order to cover thewaste collection service.
EPA started to measure the global percentage of recycled material on the abundance of town waste, collected in 1960. Since taht year, a decrease in town waste production was detected for first time in 1995, when it decreased from 209.5 million of tonnes in 1994 to 208 ones in 1995. At this same time, solid waste recycling increased from a 25% to a 27%.
The decrease ofsolid waste production has been atributed in certain part to its banning in some states, which do not permit grass cuts, trees and bushes in the garbage dump. At the same time, this permited that the proportion of processed material, increased through the “compostaje” method. Another aspect that has contributed to the decrease of solid wastes in towns has been the decrease observed in the packsweight. The highest category of town wastes is the one concerning to packs and skips, with a 35%. The packs were recovered with a 38% in 1995.
This value is outstanding if we compare it with the recycling of other sources. The lasting goods that represent the 15% of town wastes were recycled with a 17%; the non-lasting ones represent a 27.4% of wastes and were recycled in 23.7%. Food take an 8.3%of wastes and a 4.1% of them were recycled. Finally, grass cuts represents the 14.3% and they were recovered in 30.0%, thanks to the authorities demands. It is factible that packs source increases up to 35% of all the wastes in 2000, and up to 38% in 2010. We consider that the global rate of recycling will increase a 35% in 2000, and a 40% in 2010.

RESUMEN: El plástico es un material logrado enlaboratorio mediante transformación sintética del carbono principalmente pero también del hidrógeno, nitrógeno y oxígeno en combinación con otros elementos que se obtienen del petróleo.
El plástico es difícilmente biodegradable, por esta razón se convierte en un producto altamente contaminante, mas aún si se tiene en cuenta que los plásticos al quemarse producen gases venenosos.
El 90% de los...
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