Proyect charter
Project Title:
Prepared by: Date: Version:
Background to the Project
Set out where you are now, where the project will be taking you and what the benefits of the project willbe. Make sure there is a clear understanding of what the project is about and that all interested parties share the same aims and objectives. All too often people either do not know Why the project isbeing initiated or have a conflicting idea as to what the required outcome is.
Aims & Objectives:
Set out exactly what it is that the project is aiming to achieve. The more precise and specific youare the more likely you are to achieve the end result. Having measurable results is also important, there is a truism that if something cannot be measured it cannot be controlled.
Criteria ofSuccess:
How exactly will you know that your project has been a success, spell it out. Like a journey you will know when you have arrived.
Consequences of Failure:
Focusing people on what thedownside is may reinforce the need to achieve the objectives of the project. We live and work in a fast paced and ever changing world, just standing still is not good enough. If you don’t respond quickly tochange it is likely your competitors will, consigning you and your business to second place or even worse.
Just because things are obvious or apparent to you does not mean othersthink in the same way or perceive the situation from the same viewpoint as you. If there are any assumptions in your plan clearly define them, that way there can be no confusion or breakdown incommunication. If things go unsaid they can go unnoticed.
What factors limit or impact upon your project and your planning. Clearly identify all factors impacting on your plans and the stepsyou have taken to accommodate them.
Risk Analysis:
What risks are there to your project. List them out and consider their probability and potential impact upon your plans. How would you know when...
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