
Páginas: 2 (375 palabras) Publicado: 9 de enero de 2012
1. Main institutions and principal directives

2. Types of discrimination
-Direct discrimination: Individuals who are in similar situations should receive similar treatment
-Indirectdiscrimination: Individuals who are in different situations should receive different treatment
-Harassment: unwanted conduct takes place with the purpose of violating the dignity of a person
-Instruction todiscrimination
3. Specific defences under EU law: genuine occupational requirement, religious institutions, exception on the basis of age.
4. Protected grounds (sex, sexual orientation, age…)
Is acharacteristic of an individual that should not be considered relevant to the differential treatment

Germany Anti-discrimination Legislation
-18 August 2006, the General Equal Treatment Act(Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, “AGG“)
1. Protected persons:
- All employed persons
-Apprentices, temporary employees, persons similar to employees (as well as home workers)
-Applicants for anemployment relationship and persons whose employment relationship is already terminated
-Self-employed persons and members of bodies (particularly Managing Directors and Members of the ExecutiveBoard)

2. Legal consequences
Compensation for damages, Compensation, Right of complaint, Right to refuse performance, No claim to employment or promotion, Injunctive relief
3. German FederalAnti-Discrimination Agency

US Anti-discrimination legislation
The US government has enacted laws prohibiting discrimination (protecting minorities of differing race, ethnicity, religious background,etc).
1. List of laws:
• Equal Pay Act of 1963: same condition, same payment.
• Civil Rights Act of 1967: employers have to offer equal employment opportunity to qualified job applicants regardlessof race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
• Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967: Employers may not justify terminating an employee simply because of age.
• Rehabilitation Act...
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