
Páginas: 3 (598 palabras) Publicado: 21 de julio de 2014

Yo (nombre del empleador), identificada con cedula de ciudadanía Nº (número de la cedula, certifico que el señor (nombre del empleado) identificado con cedula deciudadanía Nº, trabaja para mi desempeñando oficios varios desde el día 03 de ENERO de 2007 devengando un salario de un millón doscientos mil pesos mcte (1.200.000) mensuales con un contrato de prestaciónde servicios con un horario de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. A 12:00 p.m. y de 2:00 p.m. A 6:00 p.m. los días sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.

La presente se expide a solicitud del interesado en3. listen to some expert campers and take notes about the recommendations they give.
Do´s Don´ts

Vocabulary strategies
Remember that phrasal verbs are verbs that arefollowed by a preposition. They can be separable or inseparable. You have to learn them by practicing.
Separable: clean up your campsite! Clean it up.
Inseparable: Look for a good place to camp.4. Listen again and write the phrasal verbs that are mentioned.
a. ____________________________________
b. ____________________________________
c. ____________________________________
e. ____________________________________
5. Match the columns to make ten common phrasal verbs.
Stand Up
Go Out
Take Back
Come Down
Get off
6.Complete the sentences using some of the phrasal verbs in the previous exercises. Be careful with the verbs tenses.
a. before planning a trip, it´s important to __________________ a place thateverybody likes.
b. remember to________________ as soon as the president enters the room.
c. George is a little boy, but he´s______________
d. we have to ___________ really early to go to the mountains.e. did you ______________ your boots before coming into the tent?

7. Replace the colored words with a phrasal verb from the word bank.
Example: I couldn´t discover where that place is
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