
Páginas: 2 (489 palabras) Publicado: 20 de agosto de 2014
Understanding how to make a potato battery
It is likely that for most children is hard to believe that a simple potato can make electricity to light a bulb. However, the explanation isrelatively simple: a potato containing sugar, water and acid . Certain types of metals, especially copper and zinc react with the potato when inserted into it. The metals are converted into electrodes,one positive and one negative , and the electrons flow between the metals inside the potato creating a small electric current. You can make electricity cables connecting the electrodes to a source oflight to form a circuit. The electrons flow from the positive electrode to the bulb and toward the negative electrode . The electric current flowing through the light bulb is enough to make light.Making a potato battery
Placing a copper nail 3 inches ( 7.5 cm ) and a zinc nail 3 inches ( 7.5 cm) in potato about 1 inch apart (2.5 cm) . Pushing the nails to a depth of about 1 1/ 2 inches ( about4 cm). Cut two strips of 6 inches (15 cm) of thin wire and remove 1/2 inch (1.5 cm) of plastic on the ends of the wire strips . Wrapping one end of each strip of wire around the top of each nail .Placing opposite ends of the cable at both terminals of a LED spotlight 1 volt. The LED will light or rather have a glimmer because not achieved much electricity.

Entendiendo cómo hacer unabatería de una patata
Es probable que para la mayoría de los niños sea difícil creer que una simple patata pueda hacer electricidad para encender una bombilla. Sin embargo, la explicación esrelativamente sencilla: una patata contiene azúcar, agua y ácido. Ciertos tipos de metales, especialmente el cobre y el cinc, reaccionan con la patata cuando se insertan dentro de ella. Los metales seconvierten en electrodos, uno positivo y otro negativo, y los electrones fluyen entre los metales dentro de la patata creando una pequeña corriente eléctrica. Puedes hacer electricidad conectando los...
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