Regano mejora la palatabilidad de terneros

Páginas: 3 (501 palabras) Publicado: 2 de febrero de 2012
Regano® Improves Feed Palatability for Calves
Dr. Marnie Mellencamp, Director of Immunology Dr. Ron Dvorak, VP Nutritional Health Feed flavoring agents are commonly used in calf starter diets tocreate uniform feed flavor and mask off odors. Regano® with Synergy Essence™ oregano essential oil has a strong, spicy flavor that is well liked by calves. The phenols in oregano oil are aromatichydrocarbons with high volatility. The characteristic “oregano” flavor hides odors or tastes in calf feeds and provides a consistent feed flavor that encourages intake. Promoting feed intake of calf starterdiets is essential to promoting rumen development and allowing us to wean calves at an early age. The development of the rumen is critical to successful weaning and good growth rates after weaning.Development of the rumen papillae is aided by the fermentation of calf starter diets to volatile fatty acids. Growth of rumen papillae allows the calf to change from monogastric to rumen digestion. Whencalves consume feed and water at an early age, rumen maturation occurs earlier than with milk feeding alone. Thus, increasing feed intake at an early age is critical for rumen development. Althoughcalves generally begin to eat calf starter at an early age, there is a body of research about factors that promote early and aggressive starter intake. Palatability agents, including feed flavors, havebeen evaluated extensively. Research from Universities and producers has shown that inclusion of flavor that calves like improves feed intake and rumen development. The senses of taste and smellallow animals to separate undesirable or lethal foods from nutritious ones. In digestive physiology, stimulation of smell and taste acts as preparatory factors for consuming food. Although shortage ofnutrients in the gastrointestinal tract provokes hunger, it is enhanced by the smell and flavor of feed. Only volatile substances can stimulate the sense of smell. Because of their volatility,...
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