Resumen De A Scandal In Bohemia

Páginas: 4 (826 palabras) Publicado: 12 de junio de 2012
The future king of Bohemia is about to marry a princess, and needs help from Sherlock Holmes to retrieve a picture of him with a former girlfriend he had, Irene Adler. The photo is in the hands ofwomen, and he fears that Miss Adler can use that picture to blackmail or to sabotage his upcoming wedding, as it is a very intelligent woman. Holmes began his research, and realizes that the picture ishidden in the house of women. When will the next day to fetch only a servant, who opens the door and gives a letter from Irene Adler, in which he says he went to live with her husband, and took thephoto, but pretended not to nothing against the king.

El futuro rey de Bohemia esta por casarse con una princesa, y necesita la ayuda de Sherlock Holmes para recuperar una foto de él con unaanterior novia que tenía, Irene Adler. La foto está en manos de la mujer, y él teme que la señorita Adler pueda utilizar esa foto para chantajearlo o para sabotear su futura boda, ya que es una mujer muyinteligente. Holmes inicia su investigación, y se da cuenta que la fotografía está escondida en la casa de la mujer. Cuando va al día siguiente a buscarla sólo está una criada, que le abre la puerta yle da una carta de Irene Adler, en la que dice que se fue a vivir con su marido, y que se llevaba la foto, aunque no pretendía hacer nada contra el rey.BIEN HECHO:

In this story the king of Bohemia went to Holmes´s office to ask for his help. He wanted to get a photograph that Irene Adler, his ex-girlfriend, had. The next dayHolmes dressed up as a servant and went to Irene´s house while he was there, he saw Irene and Godfrey, her boyfriend, go to the church and he helped them to get married. Later he made a plan to get thephoto. He pretended a false fight and a fire to get into Irene´s house and see where the photo was. The next day Irene and her husband left England and she left a letter and a photo of her. Holmes...
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