
Páginas: 4 (813 palabras) Publicado: 28 de mayo de 2012
a) Semantics: is the study of meaning communicated through language.
b) Principle of composicionality :  is the principle that the meaning of a complex expression is determined by themeanings of its constituent expressions and the rules used to combine them. (give original examples)
c) Sense and reference: is the object it refers to and its sense is the way in which itrefers to that object. (give original examples)
d) Semantic class, semantic properties and semantic features: Property refers to the components of meaning of a particular word, A semantic feature is anotational method which can be used to express the existence or non-existence of pre-established semantic properties by using plus and minus signs:King [+Human] [+Adult] [+Male] [+Status]
Queen [+Human] [+Adult] [+Female] [+Status]

Readmore: (give original examples)

1. Semantics Exercises
Lic. Isabel Castillo
A single form can have two or more meanings. This phenomenon involves polysemy (same word)or homophony. Which or these two relations is exemplified by the sentences below ( notice the highlighted words)

a) My friend ails as a result o his many injuries/ He prefers ale instead of commonbeer. HOMOPHONY
b) A band of students brought their grievances before the dean/ The band played until midnight. POLYSEMY.
c) The band played until midnight/ Bicycles are banned from the new highway.d) They are competing in that race/ Asian race represents a genetic group. HOMOPHONY.
e) A bank holds investment in an account. / Agriculture is burgeoning on the east bank. HOMOPHONY.
f) Thehouse is at the foot of the mountain. / One of his shoes felt too tight for his foot. HOMOPHONY.

2. Identify the semantic role of each NP in the following sentences:

a. The boy rolled...
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