Sexual History

Páginas: 6 (1336 palabras) Publicado: 17 de febrero de 2013
taking a sexual history

US department of health and hUman ServiceS
centerS for diSeaSe control and prevention

taking a sexual history

a guide to

For a more complete picture of your patient’s health, the following guide offers parameters for discussion of sexual health issues. A sexual history needs to be taken during a patient’s initial visit, during routine preventive exams, andwhen you see signs of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The dialogue lends itself to the opportunity for risk-reduction counseling and sharing information about behaviors that may place your patient at risk of contracting STDs. A sexual history allows you to identify those individuals at risk for STDs, including HIV, and to identify appropriate anatomical sites for certain STD tests. This guide was created to help you determine the STD's risk among your patients. The impact of STDs on a patient’s health can range from irritating to life threatening. Sexual health can greatly impact overall quality of life.

Please note:

This guide is meant to provide you with a sample of the discussion points and ques­ tions that may be asked. It is not meant to be a standard for diagnosisor a complete reference for sexual history taking. This guide may need to be modified to be culturally appropriate for some patients based on culture or gender dynamics.

taking a sexual history

Some patients may not be comfortable talking about their sexual history, sex partners, or sexual practices. Try to put patients at ease and let them know that taking a sexual history is an impor­tant part of a regular medical exam or physical history.

Taking a Sexual History

dialogue with patient > I am going to ask you a few questions about your sexual health and sexual practices. I understand that these questions are very personal, but they are important for your overall health. > Just so you know, I ask these questions to all of my adult patients, regardless of age, gender, ormarital status. These questions are as important as the questions about other areas of your physical and mental health. Like the rest of our visits, this information is kept in strict confidence. Do you have any questions before we get started?

the 5 “p”s of sexual health

The five “P”s stand for: • Partners • Practices • Protection from STDs • Past history of STDs • Prevention ofpregnancy These are the areas that you should openly discuss with your patients. You probably will need to ask additional questions that are appropriate to each patient’s special situation or circumstances.

The 5 “P”s


To assess the risk of contracting an STD, it is important to determine the number and gender of your patient’s sex partners. Remember: Never make assumptions aboutthe patient’s sexual orientation. If only one sex partner is noted over the last 12 months, be certain to inquire about the length of the relationship. Ask about the partner’s risk factors, such as current or past sex partners or drug use. If more than one partner is noted in the last 12 months, be certain to explore for more specific risk factors, such as condom use (or non-use) and partner riskfactors.

dialogue with patient > Are you currently sexually active? (Are you having sex?) If no, have you ever been sexually active? > In recent months, how many sex partners have you had? > In the past 12 months, how many sex partners have you had? > Are your sex partners men, women, or both? If a patient answers “both” repeat first two questions for each specific gender.

1. PartnersIf a patient has been sexually active in the past, but is not currently active, it is still important to take a sexual history.


If a patient has had more than one sex partner in the past 12 months or has had sex with a partner who has other sex partners, you may want to explore further his or her sexual practices and condom use. Asking about other sex practices will guide the...
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