Sistemas, Analisis Y Diseño

Páginas: 3 (518 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2012
1. List two reasons for taking an object-oriented approach to systems development
R/ 1. Object-oriented analysis and design can offer an approach that facilitates
logical,rapid, and thorough methods for creating newsystems

2. Object-oriented techniques work well in
situations in which complicated information systemsare undergoing con-tinuous maintenance, adaptation,and redesign.

2. Describe the difference between a class and an object.
R/Objects are persons, places, or things and a class is a set of objects that share a common structure and behavior.3. Explain the concept of inheritance in object-oriented systems
R/ The process by which a classacquires the properties (attributes) andbehavior (methods) to another.

4. What does CRC standfor?
R/CRCstands forClass, responsibilitiesand collaborators.Theanalyst canuse theseconceptstostart talkingormodel the systemfrom anobject-oriented perspective, cards are used to represent theresponsibilities of classes and the interaction between the classes.

5. Describe what Object Think adds to the CRC card
R/The Object Think statements are written in plain English, and the property,Or attribute, name is entered in its proper place. The purpose of these columns is to clarify think-ing and help move toward creating UML diagrams.

6. What is UML? R/ (Lenguaje de ModeladoUnificado)isthe modeling languagesoftwaresystemsknown and usedtoday, is backedby theOMG(ObjectManagement Group). It isa graphical languagefor visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documentingasystem.

7. What are the three major elements of UML?
R/ Elements, Relations and Diagrams

8. List what the concept of structural things includes.
R/ Structural things are classes, interfaces,use cases, and many other elements that provide a way to create models.

9. List what the concept of behavioral things includes.
R/ classes, interfaces, use cases and other items.

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