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Páginas: 8 (1901 palabras) Publicado: 2 de marzo de 2010
Scotland is a country rich in culture and history, and many of its traditions have been adopted throughout the world. For many, Scotland is synonym of whisky, golf and the Loch Ness Monster. For others, it is the cradle of bagpipe music, haggis and tea with some fresh shortbread. However, the Scottish Customs and Traditions such as Hogmanay, the Edinburgh Festival, the clans and tartans,the nostagical Burns Supper with the singing of Auld-Lang Syne and the Highland Games are the things that remain in the minds of those who think of Scottish lands.


One of the synonym of Scotland is Whisky. It has been defined as: "The proper drinking of Scotch whisky is more than indulgence: it is a toast to civilization, a tribute to the continuity of culture, a manifesto of man'sdetermination to use the resources of nature to refresh mind and body and enjoy to the full the senses with which he has been endowed." - David Daiches (Scottish Literary historian, critic and writer).

One main reason for which Scotland is famous is Whisky. It has been produced in Scotland for hundreds of years. It is well known that the Irish created this alcoholic drink, but the Scotswere the ones who brought it to the form that we drink it today. Whisky refers to a broad category of alcoholic beverages that are distilled from grains - malt - and aged in oak casks. The name means “water of life”.

One legend tells that it was Saint Patrick who brought the craft of distillation to Scotland and Ireland in the course of his ministry to the Celts. Modern historians doubt thisorigin, preferring to believe that the secret came to our shores from the Arab world in the Middle Ages, but the very fact that the legend has survived and been re-told for so many generations attests to the unique place of whisky in Scottish culture.


The national musical instrument of Scotland is the bagpipe. The historyof the bagpipes takes us a long way back from today and far away from Scotland. Everyone thinks about Scotland when they hear the word bagpipe, but this instrument is so old that true age and origin are unknown. In some historical documents it is written that the pipes were first played somewhere around Asia Minor in 1000 BC.
Some “form” of bagpipes are used in many European countries but inScotland they have become an integral part of the country’s culture. Scotland is the ancestral home of the “Great Highland Bagpipes” known to all as the “ Great Pipes”.
A pipe band consists of groups of men (in modern times it can be both men and women); Each group has matching skirts, fancy jackets and strange little hats. They march around squeezing the air out of big tartan bags (known asbagpipes) and blowing it in again through a pipe attached to the bag. This results in a sound known as “ the skirl o´ the pipes” which is almost indistinguishable from the noise made by the haggis (a small bird native to Scotland) during the mating season.

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Another thing associated with Scotland is Hagáis. The haggis is atraditional Scottish dish served with "neeps and tatties” and a "dram" (i.e. a glass of Scotch whisky), especially as the main course of a Burns supper.
Haggis is a meal containing sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach for approximately three hours.
Haggis somewhatresembles stuffed intestines (pig intestines otherwise known as chitterlings), sausages and savoury puddings of which it is among the largest types.
In Scotland, people eat haggies on Burns Night. Robert Burns (Scots people call him “Rabbie” Burns), was a Scottish poet in the eighteenth century. Every year Scots people all over the world remember him and read his poems on 25th Juanary....
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