Tareas de los profesores

Páginas: 3 (607 palabras) Publicado: 26 de mayo de 2011
Las diferentes estrategias que podemos ofrecer al tutor del alumno con problemas son las siguientes:
- En un primer lugar ponerse en contacto con los padres del alumno a través de una cartacitándolos en el centro educativo.

- En segundo lugar, la organización de una reunión a la que asistirán todos los padres de los alumnos para informales acerca de las normas de convivencia de clase.

- Entercer lugar, realizaríamos una actividad extraescolar para padres, como por ejemplo un partido de fútbol

- En cuarto lugar, haríamos un taller para padres donde se realizarían actividades de unacampaña antidroga.

- Y en quinto lugar, motivaríamos a los padres para su participación en el AMPA
Activities from the first meeting:

Warm up:

1º) The lake For all the space in theclassroom will be put rings or ropes formasndo "rocks" of various sizes where children can climb into them. Inside the ring or cord, are the rocks, everything else is the lake. The game consists of aparticipant begins to cross the lake from one side to another skipping stones. Once you fall into one of the small and tap water should stay in the stone until he saved. For this, the following stones willpass to save his partner, should give you a kiss. Then both can move forward. So on until all have passed the lake. This game is for building confidence through contact and also promotes partnership andcooperation)

2.) Who I am? (To carry out this game, you first have to set a theme, for example, film. From there, each will create its own role from the character they have chosen. The goal is tobe able to imitate someone you know. In this case, the cinema, pick an actor (real or fictional) and the first day bear his name posted on a sign for all to recognize and come to be called by the nameof the person who imitates . It can be done in pairs, for example, SpongeBob and Patrick xD well, always have someone to share the imitation)

Introduction to moving and speaking.

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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas