Tecnologico De Arte De Guadalajara

Páginas: 3 (513 palabras) Publicado: 25 de octubre de 2012
Textos narrativos de ingles (faltan hacer los ejercicios sacarlos del texto )}
El perro que deseaba ser un ser humano (traducir)

En la casa de un rico mercader de la Ciudad de México, rodeado decomodidades y de toda clase de máquinas, vivía no hace mucho tiempo un Perro al que se le había metido en la cabeza convertirse en un ser humano, y trabajaba con ahínco en esto.
Al cabo de variosaños, y después de persistentes esfuerzos sobre sí mismo, caminaba con facilidad en dos patas y a veces sentía que estaba ya a punto de ser un hombre, excepto por el hecho de que no mordía, movía la colacuando encontraba a algún conocido, daba tres vueltas antes de acostarse, salivaba cuando oía las campanas de la iglesia, y por las noches se subía a una barda a gemir viendo largamente a la luna.Composition helps the student to express his views on what is happening in the world around him, besides expressing personal thoughts, feelings and experiences. |
An Interesting Person I Once Met ||
During the last school holidays. I often went out for walks in the evenings, and the beach was one of my favourite choices. It was there that I met an interesting person. He was sitting undera coconut tree where a fishing boat was moored. His gaze was fixed on something far away, something as far, perhaps, as the horizon. He was hardly aware of my approach. But, as I halted my steps,about two metres away from him, he turned and greeted me with a toothless smile. He looked sun-tanned and wrinkled. I guessed he must be in his early 70s'. But he was cheerful and friendly as I talked tohim. During the course of our conversation, he unfolded certain parts of his personal history to me. He had been a fisherman all his life. In fact, he started learning the trade ever since he was ayoung boy of thirteen when he helped his father to earn a living. It had been a very tough life at sea, getting up as early as two or three in the morning to go out fishing. Then, with a twinkle in...
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