Temas Variados

Páginas: 2 (475 palabras) Publicado: 29 de septiembre de 2012
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Ministry of Popular Power for Education
U.E.P “Santisima Caridad”

Andrew Cioffi #7
9no “A”

March, 13, 2012
Active voice

Active voice isthe voice or direct unmarked or more frequent in sentences of a language either nominative-accusative language the absolutive–ergative or. Here the conscious agent performs an active that executes orcontrols the action of the verb.

Active voice can occur in both languages nominative-accusative morphosyntactic alignment as in ergative languages. In both types of voice languages there is a“reverse” which changes the role of agent and patient is different depending on morphosyntactic:

* The passive voice appears in nominative-accusative languages​​, and in it the verb has a subjectsuffering from the action, that is, an individual patient, and not done, run or controlled, as in the case of the active voice : Pears are eaten by Mary and Peter. Here the subject, pears, do notperform the action, and the verb, are eaten, is passive, which in Spanish is formed with the verb to be in time for the active participle of the verb plus the active.

* The antipassive voice is theanalogue of the passive-ergative absolutive languages.

Passive voice

The passive voice is a construction or verb conjugation in some languages ​​for which the subject is presented as aliability (subject patient), while the action taken by the verb is performed by a complement (add-agent) and not by the individual agent verb in active voice. The passive voice makes a transitive verb in anintransitive verb with one possible main argument (the agent when expressed as an attachment marked with oblique or prepositional case).

Greek, Latin, among other languages​,have specific morphemes passive, in Castilian closest thing there is a morpheme of passive call reflects. English, Castilian and other Romance languages ​​use periphrastic constructions or Romanesque to form the passive...
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