Temas Variados

Páginas: 3 (647 palabras) Publicado: 8 de marzo de 2013
To determinate the radio of the length of the circle’s circumference to its diameter and find the relationship between inches and centimeters, square inches and centimeters, and cubicinches and cubic centimeters through the graphical analysis of the results of measurements.
The radio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is the same for all circles, and isslightly more than 3, whose was known to ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian and Greek geometers. This radio is π and its one of the most important mathematical constants, approximately equal to 3.14159. Bydefinition π is the radio a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
π = C/D
π appears in areas and volumes formulas of many circular based geometric shapes. To find the area of any circle with thediameter D and π is know: A= π D2/4
The volume of any cylinder with the diameter of the base D and height h is: V= π D2h/4
Measurements such as length, area and volume are a number and a unit.Several systems of units have been used over the years. The principal is the metric system that is the international system (SI). The standard of length in SI units is the meter (M). The second system isthe CGS (centimeter-gram-second). The British engineering system length is measured in inches (in). The conversion factor between inches and centimeter is 1in= 2.54cm

• The smallestcylinder to measure the circumference and the others cylinders. Around the base of each circumference we wrap a string. Then we use the ruler to measure the length in centimeters and inches. Themeasures of each string are in table #1.
• Measure the diameter of the base of each cylinder with carper in inches and centimeters.
• Calculate the radio C/D in cases when measurements done withcentimeters and in inches.
• Post the circumference versus the diameter in centimeters. Uses excel to display the trend line the equation and the slope.
• Post the circumference versus the inches. Uses...
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