The Butterfky Effect

Páginas: 2 (321 palabras) Publicado: 17 de junio de 2012
The Butterfly effect

The butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions; where a small change at one place can result in large differences to a later state.
It is derived fromthe theoretical example of a hurricane's formation being contingent on whether or not a distant butterfly had flapped its wings several weeks before.

International Crimes:

Examples:Illegal Drug Trade:
The illegal drug trade is a global black market, dedicated to cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, and sale of those substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws.
A UNreport said the global drug trade generated an estimated US$321.6 billion in 2003. With a world GDP of US$36 trillion in the same year, the illegal drug trade may be estimated as slightly less than 1%(0.893%) of total global commerce.

Arms Trafficking:
Arms trafficking is the illegal trafficking or smuggling of contraband weapons or ammunition. Arms trafficking should not be confused with legalcommerce in firearms for private use, or for military or police procurement. What constitutes legal trade in firearms varies widely, depending on local and national laws.
Although arms traffickingis widespread in regions of political turmoil, it is not limited to such areas, and for example, in South Asia, an estimated 63 million guns have been trafficked into India and Pakistan.
The totalvalue of the illegal arms market is difficult to estimate. However, available estimates place the value of the arms trafficking market in the billions of dollars.

Smuggling is theclandestine transportation of goods or persons, such as out of a building, into a prison, or across an international border, in violation of applicable laws or other regulations.
There are variousmotivations to smuggle. These include the participation in illegal trade, such as in the drug trade, in illegal immigration or illegal emigration, tax evasion, providing contraband to a prison inmate, or the...
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